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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-43893

Pinned images not working


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    • MCO Sprint 261, MCO Sprint 262
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    • Release Note Not Required
    • In Progress

      Description of problem:

      The pinned images functionality is not working

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      IPI on AWS version:
      $ oc get clusterversion
      NAME      VERSION                              AVAILABLE   PROGRESSING   SINCE   STATUS
      version   4.18.0-0.nightly-2024-10-28-052434   True        False         6h46m   Cluster version is 4.18.0-0.nightly-2024-10-28-052434

      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

          1. Enable techpreview
          2.  Create a pinnedimagesets resource
      $ oc create -f - << EOF
      apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1alpha1
      kind: PinnedImageSet
          machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: worker
        name: tc-73623-worker-pinned-images
        - name: "quay.io/openshifttest/busybox@sha256:0415f56ccc05526f2af5a7ae8654baec97d4a614f24736e8eef41a4591f08019"
        - name: quay.io/openshifttest/alpine@sha256:be92b18a369e989a6e86ac840b7f23ce0052467de551b064796d67280dfa06d5

      Actual results:

      The images are not pinned and the pool is degraded
      We can see these logs in the MCDs
       I1028 14:26:32.514096    2341 pinned_image_set.go:304] Reconciling pinned image set: tc-73623-worker-pinned-images: generation: 1
      E1028 14:26:32.514183    2341 pinned_image_set.go:240] failed to get image status for "quay.io/openshifttest/busybox@sha256:0415f56ccc05526f2af5a7ae8654baec97d4a614f24736e8eef41a4591f08019": rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = name resolver error: produced zero addresses
      And we can see the machineconfignodes resources reporting pinnedimagesets degradation:
        - lastTransitionTime: "2024-10-28T14:27:58Z"
          message: 'failed to get image status for "quay.io/openshifttest/busybox@sha256:0415f56ccc05526f2af5a7ae8654baec97d4a614f24736e8eef41a4591f08019":
            rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = name resolver error: produced zero addresses'
          reason: PrefetchFailed
          status: "True"
          type: PinnedImageSetsDegraded

      Expected results:

      The images should be pinned without errors.

      Additional info:

      Slack conversation: https://redhat-internal.slack.com/archives/C02CZNQHGN8/p1730125766377509
      This is Sam's guess (thank you [~rh-ee-sbatsche] for your quick help, I really appreciate it):
      My guess is that it is related to https://github.com/openshift/machine-config-operator/pull/4629
      Specifically the changes to pkg/daemon/cri/cri.go where we swapped out DialContext for NewClient. Per docs.
      One subtle difference between NewClient and Dial and DialContext is that the former uses "dns" as the default name resolver, while the latter use "passthrough" for backward compatibility. This distinction should not matter to most users, but could matter to legacy users that specify a custom dialer and expect it to receive the target string directly.

              djoshy David Joshy
              sregidor@redhat.com Sergio Regidor de la Rosa
              Sergio Regidor de la Rosa Sergio Regidor de la Rosa
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