Resolution: Unresolved
Description of problem:
While installing 3672 SNOs, of the 3645 successfully installed SNOs, 2 failed (vm00529 and vm00544) to complete du profile application by ACM policies because the Operator objects for each did not contain a conditions field in the InstallPlan section for an Operator status because there was two installPlans. Example: # oc --kubeconfig /root/hv-vm/kc/vm00529/kubeconfig get operators local-storage-operator.openshift-local-storage -o json | jq '.status.components.refs[] | select(.kind=="InstallPlan")' { "apiVersion": "operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1", "kind": "InstallPlan", "name": "install-v9fv5", "namespace": "openshift-local-storage" } You can see there is no conditions array to determine if the installplan completed: # oc --kubeconfig /root/hv-vm/kc/vm00529/kubeconfig get installplans -n openshift-local-storage NAME CSV APPROVAL APPROVED install-kpfzx local-storage-operator.v4.16.0-202410011135 Manual true install-v9fv5 local-storage-operator.v4.16.0-202410011135 Manual false The same occurred for the second SNO however for a different operator: # oc --kubeconfig /root/hv-vm/kc/vm00544/kubeconfig get operators ptp-operator.openshift-ptp -o json | jq '.status.components.refs[] | select(.kind=="InstallPlan")' { "apiVersion": "operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1", "kind": "InstallPlan", "name": "install-fsbt2", "namespace": "openshift-ptp" } # oc --kubeconfig /root/hv-vm/kc/vm00544/kubeconfig get installplans -n openshift-ptp NAME CSV APPROVAL APPROVED install-66lft ptp-operator.v4.16.0-202410011135 Manual true install-fsbt2 ptp-operator.v4.16.0-202410011135 Manual false Here is an example of a correctly installed installplan from another SNO in the testbed: # oc --kubeconfig /root/hv-vm/kc/vm00545/kubeconfig get operators ptp-operator.openshift-ptp -o json | jq '.status.components.refs[] | select(.kind=="InstallPlan")' { "apiVersion": "operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1", "conditions": [ { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-10-16T00:09:04Z", "lastUpdateTime": "2024-10-16T00:09:04Z", "status": "True", "type": "Installed" } ], "kind": "InstallPlan", "name": "install-jsgkz", "namespace": "openshift-ptp" } # oc --kubeconfig /root/hv-vm/kc/vm00545/kubeconfig get installplans -n openshift-ptp NAME CSV APPROVAL APPROVED install-jsgkz ptp-operator.v4.16.0-202410011135 Manual true
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Hub and installed SNOs are both 4.17.1 ACM - 2.12.0-DOWNSTREAM-2024-10-10-17-47-25
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. 2. 3.
Actual results:
Expected results:
Additional info: