Resolution: Duplicate
4.16, 4.17, 4.18
NE Sprint 261
Description of problem:
Configuring loadBalancer.allowedSourceRanges then removing it, we could see the co/ingress stays in "Progressing" status and reports: ingress 4.18.0-0.nightly-2024-10-14-110402 True True False 63m ingresscontroller "default" is progressing: IngressControllerProgressing: One or more status conditions indicate progressing: LoadBalancerProgressing=True (OperandsProgressing: One or more managed resources are progressing: You have manually edited an operator-managed object. You must revert your modifications by removing the Spec.LoadBalancerSourceRanges field of LoadBalancer-typed service "router-default". You can use the new AllowedSourceRanges API field on the ingresscontroller to configure this setting instead.).
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
tested 4.18/4.17/4.16, might exists in older version
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. adding loadBalancer.allowedSourceRanges to ingresscontroller $ oc -n openshift-ingress-operator patch ingresscontrollers/default --type=merge --patch='{"spec":{"endpointPublishingStrategy":{"type":"LoadBalancerService","loadBalancer":{"scope":"External","allowedSourceRanges":[""]}}}}' 2. removing the loadBalancer.allowedSourceRanges configrations $ oc -n openshift-ingress-operator patch ingresscontrollers/default --type=merge --patch='{"spec":{"endpointPublishingStrategy":{"type":"LoadBalancerService","loadBalancer":{"scope":"External","allowedSourceRanges":null}}}}' 3. check co/ingress and service router-default
Actual results:
$ oc get co/ingress NAME VERSION AVAILABLE PROGRESSING DEGRADED SINCE MESSAGE ingress 4.18.0-0.nightly-2024-10-14-110402 True True False 63m ingresscontroller "default" is progressing: IngressControllerProgressing: One or more status conditions indicate progressing: LoadBalancerProgressing=True (OperandsProgressing: One or more managed resources are progressing: You have manually edited an operator-managed object. You must revert your modifications by removing the Spec.LoadBalancerSourceRanges field of LoadBalancer-typed service "router-default". You can use the new AllowedSourceRanges API field on the ingresscontroller to configure this setting instead.). $ oc -n openshift-ingress get svc router-default -oyaml spec: allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts: true clusterIP: clusterIPs: - externalTrafficPolicy: Local healthCheckNodePort: 31914 internalTrafficPolicy: Cluster ipFamilies: - IPv4 ipFamilyPolicy: SingleStack loadBalancerSourceRanges: - <---- still there
Expected results:
the ingress says "You have manually edited an operator-managed object" but actually it is updated by operator itself, so it should be removed from LB service by operator after user removing it from ingresscontroller.
Additional info:
workaround: run "oc edit svc router/default" and remove spec.loadBalancerSourceRanges manually
- is related to
NE-1859 [Tech Debt] [Maint] AllowedSourceRanges needs full ownership of service's loadBalancerSourceRanges
- New