Description of problem:
2024/10/08 12:50:50 [WARN] : ⚠️ --v2 flag identified, flow redirected to the oc-mirror v2 version. This is Tech Preview, it is still under development and it is not production ready. 2024/10/08 12:50:50 [INFO] : 👋 Hello, welcome to oc-mirror 2024/10/08 12:50:50 [INFO] : ⚙️ setting up the environment for you... 2024/10/08 12:50:50 [INFO] : 🔀 workflow mode: diskToMirror 2024/10/08 12:52:19 [INFO] : 🕵️ going to discover the necessary images... 2024/10/08 12:52:19 [INFO] : 🔍 collecting release images... 2024/10/08 12:52:19 [ERROR] : [ReleaseImageCollector] open /home/fedora/test-oc-mirror/hold-release/working-dir/release-images/ocp-release/4.14.20-x86_64/release-manifests/image-references: no such file or directory 2024/10/08 12:52:19 [INFO] : 👋 Goodbye, thank you for using oc-mirror 2024/10/08 12:52:19 [ERROR] : [ReleaseImageCollector] open /home/fedora/test-oc-mirror/hold-release/working-dir/release-images/ocp-release/4.14.20-x86_64/release-manifests/image-references: no such file or directory
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
[fedora@preserve-fedora-yinzhou test]$ ./oc-mirror version WARNING: This version information is deprecated and will be replaced with the output from --short. Use --output=yaml|json to get the full version. Client Version: version.Info{Major:"", Minor:"", GitVersion:"", GitCommit:"c9123030d5df99847cf3779856d90ff83cf64dcb", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2024-09-12T09:57:57Z", GoVersion:"go1.22.5 (Red Hat 1.22.5-1.module+el8.10.0+22070+9237f38b) X:strictfipsruntime", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Install 4.17 cluster and 4.17 oc-mirror 2. Now use the ImageSetConfig.yaml below and perform mirror2disk using the command below [root@bastion-dsal oc-mirror]# cat imageset.yaml kind: ImageSetConfiguration apiVersion: mirror: platform: channels: - name: stable-4.14 minVersion: 4.14.20 maxVersion: 4.14.20 shortestPath: true graph: true oc-mirror -c /tmp/imagesetconfig.yaml file:///home/fedora/test-oc-mirror/release-images --v2 3. Now perform disk2mirror using the command below oc-mirror -c /tm/imagesetconfig.yaml --from file:///home/fedora/test-oc-mirror/release-images --v2 --dry-run
Actual results:
When performing disk2mirror errors are seen as below [fedora@preserve-fedora-yinzhou test]$ ./oc-mirror -c /tmp/imageset.yaml --from file:///home/fedora/test-oc-mirror/release-images docker://localhost:5000 --v2 --dest-tls-verify=false --dry-run 2024/10/08 12:50:50 [WARN] : ⚠️ --v2 flag identified, flow redirected to the oc-mirror v2 version. This is Tech Preview, it is still under development and it is not production ready. 2024/10/08 12:50:50 [INFO] : 👋 Hello, welcome to oc-mirror 2024/10/08 12:50:50 [INFO] : ⚙️ setting up the environment for you... 2024/10/08 12:50:50 [INFO] : 🔀 workflow mode: diskToMirror 2024/10/08 12:52:19 [INFO] : 🕵️ going to discover the necessary images... 2024/10/08 12:52:19 [INFO] : 🔍 collecting release images... 2024/10/08 12:52:19 [ERROR] : [ReleaseImageCollector] open /home/fedora/test-oc-mirror/hold-release/working-dir/release-images/ocp-release/4.14.20-x86_64/release-manifests/image-references: no such file or directory 2024/10/08 12:52:19 [INFO] : 👋 Goodbye, thank you for using oc-mirror 2024/10/08 12:52:19 [ERROR] : [ReleaseImageCollector] open /home/fedora/test-oc-mirror/hold-release/working-dir/release-images/ocp-release/4.14.20-x86_64/release-manifests/image-references: no such file or directory
Expected results:
No errors should be seen when performing disk2mirror
Additional info:
If not using nestedpaths for file i.e like file:///home/fedora/test-oc-mirror/release-images and just using file://test-oc-mirror things work fine and no error as above is seen.
- blocks
OCPBUGS-45315 oc-mirror fails to find the image-references while performing a disk to mirror
- Closed
- is cloned by
OCPBUGS-45315 oc-mirror fails to find the image-references while performing a disk to mirror
- Closed
- links to
RHEA-2024:11038 OpenShift Container Platform 4.19.z bug fix update