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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-42622

could not install cli-manager-operator on arm64 clusters


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done-Errata
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • 4.17.0
    • cli-manager
    • None
    • None
    • False
    • Hide


    • N/A
    • Release Note Not Required
    • Done

      Description of problem:

      when trying to install cli-manager on arm64 cluster i see that it indeed pulls in amd64 and pod goes into crashLoopBackOff state with error as below
      [knarra@knarra-thinkpadx1carbon7th ~]$ oc logs -f openshift-cli-manager-operator-6bcb98df86-h9wc8 -n openshift-cli-manager-operator
      exec /usr/bin/cli-manager-operator: exec format error

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

          [knarra@knarra-thinkpadx1carbon7th ~]$ oc get csv -n openshift-cli-manager-operator
      NAME                          DISPLAY       VERSION   REPLACES   PHASE
      cli-manager-operator.v0.1.0   CLI Manager   0.1.0                Failed
      [knarra@knarra-thinkpadx1carbon7th ~]$ oc get clusterversion
      NAME      VERSION                                    AVAILABLE   PROGRESSING   SINCE   STATUS
      version   4.17.0-0.nightly-arm64-2024-09-29-173421   True        False         68m     Cluster version is 4.17.0-0.nightly-arm64-2024-09-29-173421

      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

          1. Install arm64 ocp cluster; Get the latest fbc given by dev
          2.  create a .sh file as given below to create a catalogsource and run sh custom_registry.sh
      [knarra@knarra-thinkpadx1carbon7th ~]$ cat /tmp/custom_catalogsource.sh 
      echo "Create CatalogSource"
      cat <<EOF | oc create -f -
      apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
      kind: CatalogSource
        name: cli-manager-registry
        namespace: openshift-marketplace
        displayName: Production Operators
        publisher: OpenShift QE
        sourceType: grpc
            interval: 15m
        image: registry-proxy.engineering.redhat.com/rh-osbs/iib@sha256:7f888fa14414dd9e1d362a9b4e5fa161425eb7dd72d9e876d3fc863cea97ca91
          3. Now verify that custom-registry pod exists in openshift-marketplace by running hte command `oc get pods -n openshift-marketplace` and it runs with out any issues.
           4. Now browse through UI
           5. search for cli-manager-operator; click Install

      Actual results:

          Verify that installation starts and pod goes into crashLoopBackOff state.
          [knarra@knarra-thinkpadx1carbon7th ~]$ oc get pods -n openshift-cli-manager-operator
      NAME                                              READY   STATUS             RESTARTS        AGE
      openshift-cli-manager-operator-6bcb98df86-h9wc8   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   13 (2m8s ago)   43m
        Type     Reason          Age                 From               Message
        ----     ------          ----                ----               -------
        Normal   Scheduled       15m                 default-scheduler  Successfully assigned openshift-cli-manager-operator/openshift-cli-manager-operator-6bcb98df86-h9wc8 to ip-10-0-64-106.us-east-2.compute.internal
        Normal   AddedInterface  15m                 multus             Add eth0 [] from ovn-kubernetes
        Normal   Pulled          15m                 kubelet            Successfully pulled image "registry.redhat.io/cli-manager-operator/cli-manager-rhel9-operator@sha256:c8f7897016892dbea12795315858f5d6df0ef744aaa5cdde721491316fef19bc" in 9.309s (9.309s including waiting). Image size: 316570716 bytes.
        Normal   Pulled          15m                 kubelet            Successfully pulled image "registry.redhat.io/cli-manager-operator/cli-manager-rhel9-operator@sha256:c8f7897016892dbea12795315858f5d6df0ef744aaa5cdde721491316fef19bc" in 703ms (703ms including waiting). Image size: 316570716 bytes.
        Normal   Pulled          14m                 kubelet            Successfully pulled image "registry.redhat.io/cli-manager-operator/cli-manager-rhel9-operator@sha256:c8f7897016892dbea12795315858f5d6df0ef744aaa5cdde721491316fef19bc" in 712ms (712ms including waiting). Image size: 316570716 bytes.
        Normal   Created         14m (x4 over 15m)   kubelet            Created container openshift-cli-manager-operator
        Normal   Started         14m (x4 over 15m)   kubelet            Started container openshift-cli-manager-operator
        Normal   Pulled          14m                 kubelet            Successfully pulled image "registry.redhat.io/cli-manager-operator/cli-manager-rhel9-operator@sha256:c8f7897016892dbea12795315858f5d6df0ef744aaa5cdde721491316fef19bc" in 595ms (596ms including waiting). Image size: 316570716 bytes.
        Normal   Pulling         13m (x5 over 15m)   kubelet            Pulling image "registry.redhat.io/cli-manager-operator/cli-manager-rhel9-operator@sha256:c8f7897016892dbea12795315858f5d6df0ef744aaa5cdde721491316fef19bc"
        Normal   Pulled          13m                 kubelet            Successfully pulled image "registry.redhat.io/cli-manager-operator/cli-manager-rhel9-operator@sha256:c8f7897016892dbea12795315858f5d6df0ef744aaa5cdde721491316fef19bc" in 458ms (458ms including waiting). Image size: 316570716 bytes.
        Warning  BackOff         13s (x71 over 15m)  kubelet            Back-off restarting failed container openshift-cli-manager-operator in pod openshift-cli-manager-operator-6bcb98df86-h9wc8_openshift-cli-manager-operator(5742fa4d-8c25-4585-9e4e-dbefaa73d834)

      Expected results:

           cli-manager-operator should run on arm clusters.

      Additional info:


            aguclu@redhat.com Arda Guclu
            knarra@redhat.com Rama Kasturi Narra
            Rama Kasturi Narra Rama Kasturi Narra
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
