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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-42537

"digest-rendered" configmap leaked when the MOSC resource is deleted when the "build-rendered" pod is about to finish

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      Description of problem:

      Since https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-36810, when the MOSC resource is deleted while the build is being executed, then all configmaps should be garbage collected. We should be able to create a new MOSC after this and the build should succeed.
      When the MOSC resource is removed just before the build-rendered pod finishes, the build-rendered pod (in Terminating status) is able to create the "digest-rendered" configmap and this configmap is not garbage collected. If we create a new MOSC after this the build will fail because the new "digest-rendered" configmap will collide with the previous one. 

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Create CustomMCP
      2. Apply any MOSC
      3. Run this script to remove the build pod when he is about to finish
      $ cat reproduce_script.sh
      while true 
       oc logs -l machineconfiguration.openshift.io/rendered-machine-config -n openshift-machine-config-operator |grep  "buildah push"
      if [ "$?" == "0" ]
          echo "Render build pod started to push the image"
          sleep 5
          echo "Remove the mosc"
          oc delete machineosconfig --all	
      sleep 1

      Actual results:

      The MOSB will be garbage collected, and all existing configmaps will be garbage collected. Nevertheless, the build pod will be in Terminating status for a while, and it will have time enough to create the "digest-rendered" configmap after all the garbage collection process has finished. The result is that the "digest-rendered" configmap is leaked and if we create a new MOSC the builds will fail because the new "digest-rendered" configmap will collide with the already existing one.
      The result is this one
      $ oc get pods,cm                                                                                                                                                                    preserve-sregidor-work: Thu Sep 26 14:59:07 2024
      NAME                                                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE
      pod/kube-rbac-proxy-crio-ip-10-0-10-89.us-east-2.compute.internal    1/1     Running   4               4h50m
      pod/kube-rbac-proxy-crio-ip-10-0-41-218.us-east-2.compute.internal   1/1     Running   4               4h49m
      pod/kube-rbac-proxy-crio-ip-10-0-56-75.us-east-2.compute.internal    1/1     Running   3               4h44m
      pod/kube-rbac-proxy-crio-ip-10-0-8-214.us-east-2.compute.internal    1/1     Running   4               3h51m
      pod/kube-rbac-proxy-crio-ip-10-0-83-194.us-east-2.compute.internal   1/1     Running   4               4h50m
      pod/machine-config-controller-68df57cdf-ljrk8                        2/2     Running   0               98m
      pod/machine-config-daemon-5gdj2                                      2/2     Running   2 (6m53s ago)   12m
      pod/machine-config-daemon-cd7hg                                      2/2     Running   1 (9m56s ago)   12m
      pod/machine-config-daemon-r97kw                                      2/2     Running   0               12m
      pod/machine-config-daemon-wlbsq                                      2/2     Running   1 (9m47s ago)   12m
      pod/machine-config-daemon-xpzf6                                      2/2     Running   4 (49s ago)     12m
      pod/machine-config-operator-59746c6f74-wsfhq                         2/2     Running   0               91m
      pod/machine-config-server-8db8k                                      1/1     Running   1               4h47m
      pod/machine-config-server-fkf4r                                      1/1     Running   1               4h47m
      pod/machine-config-server-vlqfv                                      1/1     Running   1               4h47m
      NAME                                                               DATA   AGE
      configmap/coreos-bootimages                                        4	  4h50m
      configmap/digest-rendered-infra-89d689d461245f3557da375e30cc5c90   1	  12m                  <----- LEAKED
      configmap/kube-rbac-proxy                                          1	  4h50m
      configmap/kube-root-ca.crt                                         1	  4h51m
      configmap/kubeconfig-data                                          1	  4h47m
      configmap/machine-config-operator-images                           1	  4h50m
      configmap/machine-config-osimageurl                                4	  4h50m
      configmap/openshift-service-ca.crt                                 1	  4h51m

      Expected results:

      After we remove the MOSC resource all configmaps should be garbage collected and if we create a new MOSC later then the new build should not fail. 

      Additional info:


              umohnani Urvashi Mohnani
              sregidor@redhat.com Sergio Regidor de la Rosa
              Sergio Regidor de la Rosa Sergio Regidor de la Rosa
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
