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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-42525

ABI Installation failing for compact and HA clusters in vSphere environment


    • Critical
    • None
    • Installer Sprint 260, Installer Sprint 261
    • 2
    • Proposed
    • False
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      * Previously, the Agent-based Installer set the `assisted-service` object to a debug logging mode. Unintentionally, the `pprof` module in the `assisted-service` object was then turned on and this uses the port `6060`. As a consequence, there was a port conflict and the `cloud-credential-operator` did not run. When requested by the {vmw-first} `cloud-controller-manager`, {vmw-short} secrets were not generated, the OpenStack Cloud Controller Manager (CCM) failed to initialize the nodes, and the cluster installation was blocked. With this release, the `pprof` module in the `assisted-service` object does not run when invoked by the Agent-based Installer. As a result, the `cloud-credential-operator` runs correctly and cluster installations on {vmw-short} that use the Agent-based Installer succeed. (link:https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-42525[*OCPBUGS-42525*])
      * Previously, the Agent-based Installer set the `assisted-service` object to a debug logging mode. Unintentionally, the `pprof` module in the `assisted-service` object was then turned on and this uses the port `6060`. As a consequence, there was a port conflict and the `cloud-credential-operator` did not run. When requested by the {vmw-first} `cloud-controller-manager`, {vmw-short} secrets were not generated, the OpenStack Cloud Controller Manager (CCM) failed to initialize the nodes, and the cluster installation was blocked. With this release, the `pprof` module in the `assisted-service` object does not run when invoked by the Agent-based Installer. As a result, the `cloud-credential-operator` runs correctly and cluster installations on {vmw-short} that use the Agent-based Installer succeed. (link: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-42525 [* OCPBUGS-42525 *])
    • Bug Fix
    • Proposed

      Description of problem:

      The installation of compact and HA clusters is failing in the vSphere environment. During the cluster setup, two master nodes were observed to be in a "Not Ready" state, and the rendezvous host failed to join the cluster. 

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      How reproducible:


      Actual results:

      level=info msg=Cluster operator cloud-controller-manager TrustedCABundleControllerControllerAvailable is True with AsExpected: Trusted CA Bundle Controller works as expected
      level=info msg=Cluster operator cloud-controller-manager TrustedCABundleControllerControllerDegraded is False with AsExpected: Trusted CA Bundle Controller works as expected
      level=info msg=Cluster operator cloud-controller-manager CloudConfigControllerAvailable is True with AsExpected: Cloud Config Controller works as expected
      level=info msg=Cluster operator cloud-controller-manager CloudConfigControllerDegraded is False with AsExpected: Cloud Config Controller works as expected
      level=info msg=Use the following commands to gather logs from the cluster
      level=info msg=openshift-install gather bootstrap --help
      level=error msg=Bootstrap failed to complete: : bootstrap process timed out: context deadline exceeded
      ERROR: Bootstrap failed. Aborting execution.

      Expected results:

      Installation should be successful.    

      Additional info:

      Agent Gather: https://gcsweb-qe-private-deck-ci.apps.ci.l2s4.p1.openshiftapps.com/gcs/qe-private-deck/pr-logs/pull/openshift_release/54459/rehearse-54459-periodic-ci-openshift-openshift-tests-private-release-4.17-amd64-nightly-vsphere-agent-compact-fips-f14/1839389511629410304/artifacts/vsphere-agent-compact-fips-f14/cucushift-agent-gather/artifacts/agent-gather.tar.xz

              bfournie@redhat.com Robert Fournier
              rhn-support-mhans Manoj Hans
              Manoj Hans Manoj Hans
              0 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue
