Resolution: Done-Errata
Description of problem:
OCP 4.11 console UI is not consistent in showing what namespaces are managed. Below are the Results, I have also attached the respective images, 1. Viewing installed operators for cp4i namespace shows the multi-namespace operators as managing All namespaces (but really these operators are restricted to 2 namespaces) ------>> Image multins-cp4i.png 2. Viewing installed operators for ibm-common-services namespace shows the multi-namespace operators as managing 2 namespaces------>> image multins-ibm-cs.png 3. Viewing installed operators for All Projects shows the multi-namespace operators as managing 2 namespaces ---->> Image multins-all.p
Slack Thread: Slack Thread https://coreos.slack.com/archives/C6A3NV5J9/p1668535310411939
How reproducible:
1.install operator into "cp4i" namespace (operator group is OwnNamespace with just "cp4i") 2.install operator(s) into "ibm-common-services" namespace (operator group is OwnNamespace with just "ibm-common-services") 3. edit the OperatorGroup in the "ibm-common-services" namespace and add the "cp4i" namespace -now the operators in "ibm-common-services" are included in both "ibm-common-services" and "cp4i" namespaces 4. review the installed operators in the OCP 4.11 console for "cp4i", "ibm-common-services", and "All Projects"
Actual results:
Installed operators in cp4i project incorrectly shows Managed Namespaces as "All Namespaces". More can be seen in image----> multins-cp4i.png
Expected results:
Installed operators in cp4i project correctly shows Managed Namespaces
Additional info:
Slack Thread: Slack Thread https://coreos.slack.com/archives/C6A3NV5J9/p1668535310411939