Resolution: Unresolved
Description of problem:
While adding the node using MCE standalone in the OpenShift 4.16 the node is getting provisioned but not making progress with the below error while using the multipath.. `Requested installation disk is not part of the host's valid disks`. Also we are seeing the below error. `The Spec could not be synced due to an input error: dual-stack VIPs are not supported in OpenShift ' Even though ipv6 is supported by the assisted installer.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
OpenShift 4.16, MultiCluster Operator
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1.Create Cluster deployment 2. AgentClusterInstall 3. NmstateConfig 4. Create the cluster node.
Actual results:
Node is provisioned the agent.service is not progressing
Expected results:
Node should be rebooted successfully.
Additional info:
- is cloned by
ACM-17553 [ACM 2.12] - Dual stack VIP validation fails for imported cluster
- Review
ACM-17554 [ACM 2.11] - Dual stack VIP validation fails for imported cluster
- Review
ACM-17555 [ACM 2.10] - Dual stack VIP validation fails for imported cluster
- Review
- links to
RHEA-2024:11038 OpenShift Container Platform 4.19.z bug fix update
- mentioned on
(1 links to, 1 mentioned on)