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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-41906

Missing Pod interface


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    • 09/26 One Sev 3 case. Work around to restart the pod that lost the interface. Be sure to look at Krzysztof's suggestions; particularly about the phys interface having issues.

      Description of problem:

         Customer application pod have multiple interfaces and frequently one of the interfaces gets removed automatically. From our analysis on  the sosreport we couldn't find how the interface gets removed , we had findings on zoombie process on the node and had informed the customer and customer have taken actions and now there are no zoombie process but customer still faces issue in loosing interface.We would request for your assistance in finding the root cause.
      the pod gets the interface again once it is restarted, hence this is the workaround they are following

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

          OCP 4.14

      How reproducible:

          Customer is facing the issue frequently and it gets solved after they restart the pod

      Steps to Reproduce:

          1.Run the pod for some days the issue appears automatically

      Actual results:

       Interface gets removed and once the pod gets restarted the interface is restored

      Expected results:

      Interface should not be removed abruptly, need to find the root cause how the interface gets removed    

      Additional info - i have requested for fresh sosreport and namespace in the ticketĀ 

              bnemec@redhat.com Benjamin Nemec
              rhn-support-svadakke Sumesh Vadakke Purakkal
              David Darrah David Darrah (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              12 Start watching this issue
