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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-41499

[Pre-Merge-Testing]Restarting ovn pods cause ovn pods crashed when having udn pods/service configured


    • Important
    • No
    • SDN Sprint 259, SDN Sprint 260, SDN Sprint 261, SDN Sprint 262
    • 4
    • Rejected
    • False
    • Hide



      Description of problem:

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
      build openshift/ovn-kubernetes#2291

      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Create a ns ns1

      2. Create a CRD in ns1

      % oc get UserDefinedNetwork -n ns1 -o yaml
      apiVersion: v1
      - apiVersion: k8s.ovn.org/v1
        kind: UserDefinedNetwork
          creationTimestamp: "2024-09-09T08:34:49Z"
          - k8s.ovn.org/user-defined-network-protection
          generation: 1
          name: udn-network
          namespace: ns1
          resourceVersion: "73943"
          uid: c923b0b1-05b4-4889-b076-c6a28f7353de
            role: Primary
            - cidr:
              hostSubnet: 24
          topology: Layer3
          - lastTransitionTime: "2024-09-09T08:34:49Z"
            message: NetworkAttachmentDefinition has been created
            reason: NetworkAttachmentDefinitionReady
            status: "True"
            type: NetworkReady
      kind: List
        resourceVersion: ""

      3. Create a service and pods in ns1

       % oc get svc -n ns1
      NAME           TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)     AGE
      test-service   ClusterIP   <none>        27017/TCP   5m32s
      % oc get pods -n ns1
      NAME            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      test-rc-f54tl   1/1     Running   0          5m4s
      test-rc-lhnd7   1/1     Running   0          5m4s
      % oc exec -n ns1 test-rc-f54tl -- ip a
      1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
          link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
          inet scope host lo
             valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
          inet6 ::1/128 scope host 
             valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
      2: eth0@if41: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1360 qdisc noqueue state UP group default 
          link/ether 0a:58:0a:80:02:1b brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff link-netnsid 0
          inet brd scope global eth0
             valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
          inet6 fe80::858:aff:fe80:21b/64 scope link 
             valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
      3: ovn-udn1@if42: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1360 qdisc noqueue state UP group default 
          link/ether 0a:58:0a:c8:03:03 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff link-netnsid 0
          inet brd scope global ovn-udn1
             valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
          inet6 fe80::858:aff:fec8:303/64 scope link 
             valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
      4. Restart ovn pods
      % oc delete pods --all -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes
      pod "ovnkube-control-plane-76fd6ddbf4-j69j8" deleted
      pod "ovnkube-control-plane-76fd6ddbf4-vnr2m" deleted
      pod "ovnkube-node-5pd5w" deleted
      pod "ovnkube-node-5r9mg" deleted
      pod "ovnkube-node-6bdtx" deleted
      pod "ovnkube-node-6v5d7" deleted
      pod "ovnkube-node-8pmpq" deleted
      pod "ovnkube-node-cffld" deleted
      Actual results:
       % oc get pods -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes                        
      NAME                                     READY   STATUS             RESTARTS        AGE
      ovnkube-control-plane-76fd6ddbf4-9cklv   2/2     Running            0               9m22s
      ovnkube-control-plane-76fd6ddbf4-gkmlg   2/2     Running            0               9m22s
      ovnkube-node-bztn5                       7/8     CrashLoopBackOff   5 (21s ago)     9m19s
      ovnkube-node-qhjsw                       7/8     Error              5 (2m45s ago)   9m18s
      ovnkube-node-t5f8p                       7/8     Error              5 (2m32s ago)   9m20s
      ovnkube-node-t8kpp                       7/8     Error              5 (2m34s ago)   9m19s
      ovnkube-node-whbvx                       7/8     Error              5 (2m35s ago)   9m20s
      ovnkube-node-xlzlh                       7/8     CrashLoopBackOff   5 (14s ago)     9m18s
          Container ID:  cri-o://977dd8c17320695b1098ea54996bfad69c14dc4219a91dfd4354c818ea433cac
          Image:         registry.build05.ci.openshift.org/ci-ln-y1ypd82/stable@sha256:3110151b89e767644c01c8ce2cf3fec4f26f6d6e011262d0988c1d915d63355f
          Image ID:      registry.build05.ci.openshift.org/ci-ln-y1ypd82/stable@sha256:3110151b89e767644c01c8ce2cf3fec4f26f6d6e011262d0988c1d915d63355f
          Port:          29105/TCP
          Host Port:     29105/TCP
            set -xe
            . /ovnkube-lib/ovnkube-lib.sh || exit 1
            start-ovnkube-node ${OVN_KUBE_LOG_LEVEL} 29103 29105
          State:       Waiting
            Reason:    CrashLoopBackOff
          Last State:  Terminated
            Reason:    Error
            Message:   :205] Sending *v1.Node event handler 7 for removal
      I0909 08:45:58.537155  170668 factory.go:542] Stopping watch factory
      I0909 08:45:58.537167  170668 handler.go:219] Removed *v1.Node event handler 7
      I0909 08:45:58.537185  170668 handler.go:219] Removed *v1.Namespace event handler 1
      I0909 08:45:58.537198  170668 handler.go:219] Removed *v1.Namespace event handler 5
      I0909 08:45:58.537206  170668 handler.go:219] Removed *v1.EgressIP event handler 8
      I0909 08:45:58.537207  170668 handler.go:219] Removed *v1.EgressFirewall event handler 9
      I0909 08:45:58.537187  170668 handler.go:219] Removed *v1.Node event handler 10
      I0909 08:45:58.537219  170668 handler.go:219] Removed *v1.Node event handler 2
      I0909 08:45:58.538642  170668 network_attach_def_controller.go:126] [network-controller-manager NAD controller]: shutting down
      I0909 08:45:58.538703  170668 secondary_layer3_network_controller.go:433] Stop secondary layer3 network controller of network ns1.udn-network
      I0909 08:45:58.538742  170668 services_controller.go:243] Shutting down controller ovn-lb-controller for network=ns1.udn-network
      I0909 08:45:58.538767  170668 obj_retry.go:432] Stop channel got triggered: will stop retrying failed objects of type *v1.Node
      I0909 08:45:58.538754  170668 obj_retry.go:432] Stop channel got triggered: will stop retrying failed objects of type *v1.Pod
      E0909 08:45:58.5
            Exit Code:    1
            Started:      Mon, 09 Sep 2024 16:44:57 +0800
            Finished:     Mon, 09 Sep 2024 16:45:58 +0800
          Ready:          False
          Restart Count:  5
            cpu:      10m
            memory:   600Mi

      Expected results:
      ovn pods should not crash

      Additional info:

      Please fill in the following template while reporting a bug and provide as much relevant information as possible. Doing so will give us the best chance to find a prompt resolution.

      Affected Platforms:

      Is it an

      1. internal CI failure
      2. customer issue / SD
      3. internal RedHat testing failure

      If it is an internal RedHat testing failure:

      • Please share a kubeconfig or creds to a live cluster for the assignee to debug/troubleshoot along with reproducer steps (specially if it's a telco use case like ICNI, secondary bridges or BM+kubevirt).

      If it is a CI failure:

      • Did it happen in different CI lanes? If so please provide links to multiple failures with the same error instance
      • Did it happen in both sdn and ovn jobs? If so please provide links to multiple failures with the same error instance
      • Did it happen in other platforms (e.g. aws, azure, gcp, baremetal etc) ? If so please provide links to multiple failures with the same error instance
      • When did the failure start happening? Please provide the UTC timestamp of the networking outage window from a sample failure run
      • If it's a connectivity issue,
      • What is the srcNode, srcIP and srcNamespace and srcPodName?
      • What is the dstNode, dstIP and dstNamespace and dstPodName?
      • What is the traffic path? (examples: pod2pod? pod2external?, pod2svc? pod2Node? etc)

      If it is a customer / SD issue:

      • Provide enough information in the bug description that Engineering doesn’t need to read the entire case history.
      • Don’t presume that Engineering has access to Salesforce.
      • Do presume that Engineering will access attachments through supportshell.
      • Describe what each relevant attachment is intended to demonstrate (failed pods, log errors, OVS issues, etc).
      • Referring to the attached must-gather, sosreport or other attachment, please provide the following details:
        • If the issue is in a customer namespace then provide a namespace inspect.
        • If it is a connectivity issue:
          • What is the srcNode, srcNamespace, srcPodName and srcPodIP?
          • What is the dstNode, dstNamespace, dstPodName and dstPodIP?
          • What is the traffic path? (examples: pod2pod? pod2external?, pod2svc? pod2Node? etc)
          • Please provide the UTC timestamp networking outage window from must-gather
          • Please provide tcpdump pcaps taken during the outage filtered based on the above provided src/dst IPs
        • If it is not a connectivity issue:
          • Describe the steps taken so far to analyze the logs from networking components (cluster-network-operator, OVNK, SDN, openvswitch, ovs-configure etc) and the actual component where the issue was seen based on the attached must-gather. Please attach snippets of relevant logs around the window when problem has happened if any.
      • When showing the results from commands, include the entire command in the output.  
      • For OCPBUGS in which the issue has been identified, label with “sbr-triaged”
      • For OCPBUGS in which the issue has not been identified and needs Engineering help for root cause, label with “sbr-untriaged”
      • Do not set the priority, that is owned by Engineering and will be set when the bug is evaluated
      • Note: bugs that do not meet these minimum standards will be closed with label “SDN-Jira-template”
      • For guidance on using this template please see
        OCPBUGS Template Training for Networking  components

            rravaiol@redhat.com Riccardo Ravaioli
            huirwang Huiran Wang
            Huiran Wang Huiran Wang
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
