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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-4065

The policies have violations during deployment.


    • Moderate
    • None
    • 2
    • T&PS 2023 #4
    • 1
    • False
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    • Troubleshoot
    • Hide
      12/14: considered a corner case
      12/12: leaving this off of the Telco-Grade OCP 4.12 gating list since this kind of issue hasn't been seen in QE or Scale labs
      Rel Note for Telco: Yes - proposed text started here - 4.12.z, 4.10.z?
      12/14: considered a corner case 12/12: leaving this off of the Telco-Grade OCP 4.12 gating list since this kind of issue hasn't been seen in QE or Scale labs Rel Note for Telco: Yes - proposed text started here - 4.12.z, 4.10.z?

      Description of problem:

      When I redeploy the 6 SNOS with ACM+ZTP, somehow the sno4 and sno5 have idrac connection issue and came up later than other 4 nodes. When all the nodes came up, I noticed that most of the policies on sno4 and sno 5 have violations. And ```[jenchen@ericsson-ocp-4 ~]$ oc get cgu -A
      NAMESPACE     NAME                AGE
      ztp-install   cloudransno-site1   9h
      ztp-install   cloudransno-site2   9h
      ztp-install   cloudransno-site3   9h
      ztp-install   cloudransno-site6   9h
      ztp-install   ztp-sriov           48m```
      Please see attachments.
      The system(hub cluster + ACM) will stay there for several days. Feel free to access the SUT. 

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:


      Actual results:

      Please see the attachment 

      Expected results:

      All policies are all green without violation. 

      Additional info:


        1. Clusters_2022-11-23 111839.png
          Clusters_2022-11-23 111839.png
          461 kB
        2. oc_get_managedCluster
          94 kB
        3. oc_get_policies
          14 kB
        4. oc_get_policies_yaml
          537 kB
        5. oc_get_policy_placement_placementbinding_yaml
          563 kB
        6. Policies_2022-11-23 111936.png
          Policies_2022-11-23 111936.png
          271 kB
        7. talm.manager.log
          45 kB

            rhn-support-amolnar Alexandra Molnar
            jenchen@redhat.com Jennifer Chen
            Yang Liu Yang Liu
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
