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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-38705

[4.16] EgressIP intermittent connection timeout while communicating with external services

    • Important
    • None
    • SDN Sprint 259
    • 1
    • False
    • Hide


    • Hide
      * Previously, For egress IP, if an IP is assigned to an egress node and it is deleted, then pods selected by that `egressIP` may have incorrect routing information to that egress node. With this release, the issue is fixed. (link:https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-38705[*OCPBUGS-38705*])
      For EgressIP, if an IP is assigned to an "egress node" and it is deleted, then pods selected by that EgressIP may have incorrect routing information to that egress node.
      * Previously, For egress IP, if an IP is assigned to an egress node and it is deleted, then pods selected by that `egressIP` may have incorrect routing information to that egress node. With this release, the issue is fixed. (link: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-38705 [* OCPBUGS-38705 *]) ___________ For EgressIP, if an IP is assigned to an "egress node" and it is deleted, then pods selected by that EgressIP may have incorrect routing information to that egress node.
    • Bug Fix
    • In Progress
    • Customer Escalated

      Description of problem:

      - Pods that reside in a namespace utilizing EgressIP are experiencing intermittent TCP IO timeouts when attempting to communicate with external services.

      • Connection response while connecting external service from one of the pods:
        ❯ oc exec gitlab-runner-aj-02-56998875b-n6xxb -- bash -c 'while true; do timeout 3 bash -c "</dev/tcp/" && echo "Connection success" || echo "Connection timeout"; sleep 0.5; done'
        Connection success
        Connection timeout
        Connection timeout
        Connection timeout
        Connection timeout
        Connection timeout
        Connection success
        Connection timeout
        Connection success 
      • The customer followed this solution https://access.redhat.com/solutions/7005481 and noticed an IP address in logical_router_policy nexthops that is not associated with any node.
        # Get pod node and podIP variable for the problematic pod 
        ❯ oc get pod gitlab-runner-aj-02-56998875b-n6xxb -ojson 2>/dev/null | jq -r '"\(.metadata.name) \(.spec.nodeName) \(.status.podIP)"' | read -r pod node podip
        # Find the ovn-kubernetes pod running on the same node as  gitlab-runner-aj-02-56998875b-n6xxb
        ❯ oc get pods -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes -lapp=ovnkube-node -ojson | jq --arg node "$node" -r '.items[] | select(.spec.nodeName == $node)| .metadata.name' | read -r ovn_pod
        # Collect each possible logical switch port address into variable LSP_ADDRESSES
        ❯ LSP_ADDRESSES=$(oc -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes exec ${ovn_pod} -it -c northd -- bash -c 'ovn-nbctl lsp-list transit_switch | while read guid name; do printf "%s " "${name}"; ovn-nbctl lsp-get-addresses "${guid}"; done')
        # List the logical router policy for the problematic pod
        ❯ oc -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes exec ${ovn_pod} -c northd -- ovn-nbctl find logical_router_policy match="\"ip4.src == ${podip}\""
        _uuid               : c55bec59-6f9a-4f01-a0b1-67157039edb8
        action              : reroute
        external_ids        : {name=gitlab-runner-caasandpaas-egress}
        match               : "ip4.src =="
        nexthop             : []
        nexthops            : ["", ""]
        options             : {}
        priority            : 100
        # Check whether each nexthop entry exists in the LSP addresses table
        ❯ echo $LSP_ADDRESSES | grep
        (tstor-c1nmedi01-9x2g9-worker-cloud-paks-m9t6b) 0a:58:64:58:00:16
        ❯ echo $LSP_ADDRESSES | grep 


      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:




      Actual results:

      • Pods configured to use EgressIP face intermittent connection timeout while connecting to external services.

      Expected results:

      • The connection timeout should not happen.

      Additional info:

      Please fill in the following template while reporting a bug and provide as much relevant information as possible. Doing so will give us the best chance to find a prompt resolution.

      Affected Platforms:

      Is it an

      1. internal CI failure
      2. customer issue / SD
      3. internal RedHat testing failure

      If it is an internal RedHat testing failure:

      • Please share a kubeconfig or creds to a live cluster for the assignee to debug/troubleshoot along with reproducer steps (specially if it's a telco use case like ICNI, secondary bridges or BM+kubevirt).

      If it is a CI failure:

      • Did it happen in different CI lanes? If so please provide links to multiple failures with the same error instance
      • Did it happen in both sdn and ovn jobs? If so please provide links to multiple failures with the same error instance
      • Did it happen in other platforms (e.g. aws, azure, gcp, baremetal etc) ? If so please provide links to multiple failures with the same error instance
      • When did the failure start happening? Please provide the UTC timestamp of the networking outage window from a sample failure run
      • If it's a connectivity issue,
      • What is the srcNode, srcIP and srcNamespace and srcPodName?
      • What is the dstNode, dstIP and dstNamespace and dstPodName?
      • What is the traffic path? (examples: pod2pod? pod2external?, pod2svc? pod2Node? etc)

      If it is a customer / SD issue:

      • Provide enough information in the bug description that Engineering doesn’t need to read the entire case history.
      • Don’t presume that Engineering has access to Salesforce.
      • Do presume that Engineering will access attachments through supportshell.
      • Describe what each relevant attachment is intended to demonstrate (failed pods, log errors, OVS issues, etc).
      • Referring to the attached must-gather, sosreport or other attachment, please provide the following details:
        • If the issue is in a customer namespace then provide a namespace inspect.
        • If it is a connectivity issue:
          • What is the srcNode, srcNamespace, srcPodName and srcPodIP?
          • What is the dstNode, dstNamespace, dstPodName and dstPodIP?
          • What is the traffic path? (examples: pod2pod? pod2external?, pod2svc? pod2Node? etc)
          • Please provide the UTC timestamp networking outage window from must-gather
          • Please provide tcpdump pcaps taken during the outage filtered based on the above provided src/dst IPs
        • If it is not a connectivity issue:
          • Describe the steps taken so far to analyze the logs from networking components (cluster-network-operator, OVNK, SDN, openvswitch, ovs-configure etc) and the actual component where the issue was seen based on the attached must-gather. Please attach snippets of relevant logs around the window when problem has happened if any.
      • When showing the results from commands, include the entire command in the output.  
      • For OCPBUGS in which the issue has been identified, label with “sbr-triaged”
      • For OCPBUGS in which the issue has not been identified and needs Engineering help for root cause, label with “sbr-untriaged”
      • Do not set the priority, that is owned by Engineering and will be set when the bug is evaluated
      • Note: bugs that do not meet these minimum standards will be closed with label “SDN-Jira-template”
      • For guidance on using this template please see
        OCPBUGS Template Training for Networking  components

              pepalani@redhat.com Periyasamy Palanisamy
              rhn-support-akumawat Akshit Kumawat
              Huiran Wang Huiran Wang
              0 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue
