Resolution: Done-Errata
Description of problem:
Create cluster with publish:Mixed by using CAPZ, 1. publish: Mixed + apiserver: Internal install-config: ================= publish: Mixed operatorPublishingStrategy: apiserver: Internal ingress: External In this case, api dns should not be created in public dns zone, but it was created. ================== $ az network dns record-set cname show --name api.jima07api --resource-group os4-common --zone-name qe.azure.devcluster.openshift.com { "TTL": 300, "etag": "6b13d901-07d1-4cd8-92de-8f3accd92a19", "fqdn": "api.jima07api.qe.azure.devcluster.openshift.com.", "id": "/subscriptions/53b8f551-f0fc-4bea-8cba-6d1fefd54c8a/resourceGroups/os4-common/providers/Microsoft.Network/dnszones/qe.azure.devcluster.openshift.com/CNAME/api.jima07api", "metadata": {}, "name": "api.jima07api", "provisioningState": "Succeeded", "resourceGroup": "os4-common", "targetResource": {}, "type": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/CNAME" } 2. publish: Mixed + ingress: Internal install-config: ============= publish: Mixed operatorPublishingStrategy: apiserver: External ingress: Internal In this case, load balance rule on port 6443 should be created in external load balancer, but it could not be found. ================ $ az network lb rule list --lb-name jima07ingress-krf5b -g jima07ingress-krf5b-rg []
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
4.17 nightly build
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Specify publish: Mixed + mixed External/Internal for api/ingress 2. Create cluster 3. check public dns records and load balancer rules in internal/external load balancer to be created expected
Actual results:
see description, some resources are unexpected to be created or missed.
Expected results:
public dns records and load balancer rules in internal/external load balancer to be created expected based on setting in install-config
Additional info:
- blocks
OCPBUGS-38568 [CAPI Azure] some resource created unexpected or missed when installing cluster with publish:Mixed
- Closed
- is cloned by
OCPBUGS-38568 [CAPI Azure] some resource created unexpected or missed when installing cluster with publish:Mixed
- Closed
- links to
RHEA-2024:6122 OpenShift Container Platform 4.18.z bug fix update