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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-37989

Trivvy misconfig scanner reports CMA operator's container root is writeable


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done-Errata
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • 4.17
    • Pod Autoscaler
    • None
    • None
    • 3
    • PODAUTO - Sprint 258, PODAUTO - Sprint 259, PODAUTO - Sprint 260
    • 3
    • False
    • Hide


    • Hide
      Previously the custom-metrics-autoscaler-operator pod's root filesystem was writable, which was unnecessary and could have been a security issue under certain circumstances. This update makes the pod's root filesystem read-only, which addresses the potential security issue.
      Previously the custom-metrics-autoscaler-operator pod's root filesystem was writable, which was unnecessary and could have been a security issue under certain circumstances. This update makes the pod's root filesystem read-only, which addresses the potential security issue.
    • Bug Fix
    • In Progress

      When going through the DAST process, we ran across a HIGH sev misconfiguration in the custom-metrics-autoscaler-operator pod:

      trivy k8s --kubeconfig=/test/kubeconfig -n openshift-keda pod --severity=HIGH,CRITICAL --scanners=misconfig --report all --format json
      74.86 KiB / 74.86 KiB [--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100.00% ? p/s 100ms
      4 / 4 [------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100.00% 1 p/s
            "Results": [
                "Target": "Pod/custom-metrics-autoscaler-operator-5b6fb58767-zmrvr",
                "Class": "config",
                "Type": "kubernetes",
                "MisconfSummary": {
                  "Successes": 20,
                  "Failures": 1,
                  "Exceptions": 0
                "Misconfigurations": [
                    "Type": "Kubernetes Security Check",
                    "ID": "KSV014",
                    "AVDID": "AVD-KSV-0014",
                    "Title": "Root file system is not read-only",
                    "Description": "An immutable root file system prevents applications from writing to their local disk. This can limit intrusions, as attackers will not be able to tamper with the file system or write foreign executables to disk.",
                    "Message": "Container 'custom-metrics-autoscaler-operator' of Pod 'custom-metrics-autoscaler-operator-5b6fb58767-zmrvr' should set 'securityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem' to true",
                    "Namespace": "builtin.kubernetes.KSV014",
                    "Query": "data.builtin.kubernetes.KSV014.deny",
                    "Resolution": "Change 'containers[].securityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem' to 'true'.",
                    "Severity": "HIGH",
                    "PrimaryURL": "https://avd.aquasec.com/misconfig/ksv014",
                    "References": [
                    "Status": "FAIL",
                    "Layer": {},
                    "CauseMetadata": {
                      "Provider": "Kubernetes",
                      "Service": "general",
                      "StartLine": 176,
                      "EndLine": 247,
                      "Code": {
                        "Lines": [
                            "Number": 176,
                            "Content": "        - args:",
                            "IsCause": true,
                            "Annotation": "",
                            "Truncated": false,
                            "Highlighted": "        - \u001b[38;5;33margs\u001b[0m:",
                            "FirstCause": true,
                            "LastCause": false
                            "Number": 177,
                            "Content": "            - -c",
                            "IsCause": true,
                            "Annotation": "",
                            "Truncated": false,
                            "Highlighted": "            - -c",
                            "FirstCause": false,
                            "LastCause": false
                            "Number": 178,
                            "Content": "            - export KEDA_OPERATOR_IMAGE=$RELATED_IMAGE_1; export KEDA_METRICS_SERVER_IMAGE=$RELATED_IMAGE_2; export KEDA_ADMISSION_WEBHOOKS_IMAGE=$RELATED_IMAGE_3; exec /manager \"$0\" \"$@\"",
                            "IsCause": true,
                            "Annotation": "",
                            "Truncated": false,
                            "Highlighted": "            - export KEDA_OPERATOR_IMAGE=$RELATED_IMAGE_1; export KEDA_METRICS_SERVER_IMAGE=$RELATED_IMAGE_2; export KEDA_ADMISSION_WEBHOOKS_IMAGE=$RELATED_IMAGE_3; exec /manager \"$0\" \"$@\"",
                            "FirstCause": false,
                            "LastCause": false
                            "Number": 179,
                            "Content": "            - --leader-elect",
                            "IsCause": true,
                            "Annotation": "",
                            "Truncated": false,
                            "Highlighted": "            - --leader-elect",
                            "FirstCause": false,
                            "LastCause": false
                            "Number": 180,
                            "Content": "            - --zap-log-level=info",
                            "IsCause": true,
                            "Annotation": "",
                            "Truncated": false,
                            "Highlighted": "            - --zap-log-level=info",
                            "FirstCause": false,
                            "LastCause": false
                            "Number": 181,
                            "Content": "            - --zap-encoder=console",
                            "IsCause": true,
                            "Annotation": "",
                            "Truncated": false,
                            "Highlighted": "            - --zap-encoder=console",
                            "FirstCause": false,
                            "LastCause": false
                            "Number": 182,
                            "Content": "            - --zap-time-encoding=rfc3339",
                            "IsCause": true,
                            "Annotation": "",
                            "Truncated": false,
                            "Highlighted": "            - --zap-time-encoding=rfc3339",
                            "FirstCause": false,
                            "LastCause": false
                            "Number": 183,
                            "Content": "          command:",
                            "IsCause": true,
                            "Annotation": "",
                            "Truncated": false,
                            "Highlighted": "          \u001b[38;5;33mcommand\u001b[0m:",
                            "FirstCause": false,
                            "LastCause": false
                            "Number": 184,
                            "Content": "            - /usr/bin/bash",
                            "IsCause": true,
                            "Annotation": "",
                            "Truncated": false,
                            "Highlighted": "            - /usr/bin/bash",
                            "FirstCause": false,
                            "LastCause": true
                            "Number": 185,
                            "Content": "",
                            "IsCause": false,
                            "Annotation": "",
                            "Truncated": true,
                            "FirstCause": false,
                            "LastCause": false

      I can't think of anything it needs to write to the container root, I think everything is configmaps, so we can/should probably fix this.

            jkyros@redhat.com John Kyros
            jkyros@redhat.com John Kyros
            Aditi Sahay Aditi Sahay
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
