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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-37394

Version parameter details missing in the Profiles object of Compliance Operator


      Description of problem:

      - In the Profiles object of the Compliance Operator, a new parameter: `Version` is introduced. 
      - This contains the information about the exact version of the profile that is present in the Compliance Operator.
      - The details of this parameter are missing in the documentation (https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.15/security/compliance_operator/co-concepts/compliance-operator-crd.html#profile-object_compliance-crd)
      - Current output:
      $ oc get profile -n openshift-compliance
      NAME                       AGE     VERSION
      ocp4-cis                   4h44m   1.5.0
      ocp4-cis-1-4               4h44m   1.4.0
      ocp4-cis-1-5               4h44m   1.5.0
      ocp4-cis-node              4h44m   1.5.0
      ocp4-cis-node-1-4          4h44m   1.4.0
      ocp4-cis-node-1-5          4h44m   1.5.0
      ocp4-e8                    4h44m   
      ocp4-high                  4h44m   Revision 4
      ocp4-high-node             4h44m   Revision 4
      ocp4-high-node-rev-4       4h44m   Revision 4
      ocp4-high-rev-4            4h44m   Revision 4
      ocp4-moderate              4h44m   Revision 4
      ocp4-moderate-node         4h44m   Revision 4
      ocp4-moderate-node-rev-4   4h44m   Revision 4
      ocp4-moderate-rev-4        4h44m   Revision 4
      ocp4-nerc-cip              4h44m   
      ocp4-nerc-cip-node         4h44m   
      ocp4-pci-dss               4h44m   3.2.1
      ocp4-pci-dss-3-2           4h44m   3.2.1
      ocp4-pci-dss-node          4h44m   3.2.1
      ocp4-pci-dss-node-3-2      4h44m   3.2.1
      ocp4-stig                  4h44m   V1R1
      ocp4-stig-node             4h44m   V1R1
      ocp4-stig-node-v1r1        4h44m   V1R1
      ocp4-stig-v1r1             4h44m   V1R1
      rhcos4-e8                  4h44m   
      rhcos4-high                4h44m   Revision 4
      rhcos4-high-rev-4          4h44m   Revision 4
      rhcos4-moderate            4h44m   Revision 4
      rhcos4-moderate-rev-4      4h44m   Revision 4
      rhcos4-nerc-cip            4h44m   
      rhcos4-stig                4h44m   V1R1
      rhcos4-stig-v1r1           4h44m   V1R1
      - This feature has been backported in the RHOCP 4.15 as well.
      - There is no mention/explanation of this parameter in the YAML output of the profile object in the documentation.
      Documentation: https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.15/security/compliance_operator/co-concepts/compliance-operator-crd.html#profile-object_compliance-crd

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      Steps to Reproduce:

      $ oc get profile -n openshift-compliance

            antaylor@redhat.com Andrew Taylor
            rhn-support-shkulshr Shefali Kulshrestha
            Xiaojie Yuan Xiaojie Yuan
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
