Resolution: Duplicate
Description of problem:
noticed during testing of OTA-1291, a node which exist in a worker pool as well as a custom pool, while correctly hidden from the list of worker nodes, yet still visible in the total count in the status section
WORKER POOL ASSESSMENT COMPLETION STATUS mcpbar Empty 0 Total mcpfoo Excluded 0% 1 Total, 1 Available, 0 Progressing, 1 Outdated, 0 Draining, 1 Excluded, 0 Degraded worker Pending 0% 3 Total, 3 Available, 0 Progressing, 3 Outdated, 0 Draining, 0 Excluded, 0 Degraded Worker Pool Nodes: mcpfoo NAME ASSESSMENT PHASE VERSION EST MESSAGE ip-10-0-50-120.us-east-2.compute.internal Excluded Paused 4.16.3 - Worker Pool Nodes: worker NAME ASSESSMENT PHASE VERSION EST MESSAGE ip-10-0-7-128.us-east-2.compute.internal Outdated Pending 4.16.3 ? ip-10-0-82-40.us-east-2.compute.internal Outdated Pending 4.16.3 ?
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. create a custom pool and add one of the workers 2. start an update and observe oc adm upgrade status 3.
Actual results:
worker Pending 0% 3 Total, 3 Available, 0 Progressing, 3 Outdated, 0 Draining, 0 Excluded, 0 Degraded
Expected results:
should exclude the node which also exist in a custom pool
Additional info:
thread https://app.slack.com/client/E030G10V24F/CJ1J9C3V4
- is incorporated by
OTA-1291 Correctly handle nodes that are members of multiple pools
- Closed