Resolution: Done
Description of problem:
When use UPDATE_URL_OVERRIDE env, the information is confused: ./oc-mirror.latest -c config-19.yaml --v2 file://disk-enc1 2024/06/19 12:22:38 [WARN] : ⚠️ --v2 flag identified, flow redirected to the oc-mirror v2 version. This is Tech Preview, it is still under development and it is not production ready. 2024/06/19 12:22:38 [INFO] : 👋 Hello, welcome to oc-mirror 2024/06/19 12:22:38 [INFO] : ⚙️ setting up the environment for you... 2024/06/19 12:22:38 [INFO] : 🔀 workflow mode: mirrorToDisk I0619 12:22:38.832303 66173 client.go:44] Usage of the UPDATE_URL_OVERRIDE environment variable is unsupported 2024/06/19 12:22:38 [INFO] : 🕵️ going to discover the necessary images...
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
./oc-mirror.latest version WARNING: This version information is deprecated and will be replaced with the output from --short. Use --output=yaml|json to get the full version. Client Version: version.Info{Major:"", Minor:"", GitVersion:"4.17.0-202406131541.p0.g157eb08.assembly.stream.el9-157eb08", GitCommit:"157eb085db0ca66fb689220119ab47a6dd9e1233", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2024-06-13T17:25:46Z", GoVersion:"go1.22.1 (Red Hat 1.22.1-1.el9) X:strictfipsruntime", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1) Set registry on the ocp cluster; 2) do mirror2disk + disk2mirror with following isc: apiVersion: mirror.openshift.io/v2alpha1 kind: ImageSetConfiguration mirror: additionalImages: - name: quay.io/openshifttest/bench-army-knife@sha256:078db36d45ce0ece589e58e8de97ac1188695ac155bc668345558a8dd77059f6 platform: channels: - name: stable-4.15 type: ocp minVersion: '4.15.10' maxVersion: '4.15.11' graph: true operators: - catalog: registry.redhat.io/redhat/redhat-operator-index:v4.15 packages: - name: elasticsearch-operator 3) set ~/.config/containers/registries.conf [[registry]] location = "quay.io" insecure = false blocked = false mirror-by-digest-only = false prefix = "" [[registry.mirror]] location = "my-route-testzy.apps.yinzhou-619.qe.devcluster.openshift.com" insecure = false 4) use the isc from step 2 and mirror2disk with different dir: `./oc-mirror.latest -c config-19.yaml --v2 file://disk-enc1`
Actual results:
./oc-mirror.latest -c config-19.yaml --v2 file://disk-enc1 2024/06/19 12:22:38 [WARN] : ⚠️ --v2 flag identified, flow redirected to the oc-mirror v2 version. This is Tech Preview, it is still under development and it is not production ready. 2024/06/19 12:22:38 [INFO] : 👋 Hello, welcome to oc-mirror 2024/06/19 12:22:38 [INFO] : ⚙️ setting up the environment for you... 2024/06/19 12:22:38 [INFO] : 🔀 workflow mode: mirrorToDisk I0619 12:22:38.832303 66173 client.go:44] Usage of the UPDATE_URL_OVERRIDE environment variable is unsupported 2024/06/19 12:22:38 [INFO] : 🕵️ going to discover the necessary images... 2024/06/19 12:22:38 [INFO] : 🔍 collecting release images...
Expected results:
Give clear information to clarify the UPDATE_URL_OVERRIDE environment variable slack discuss is here : https://redhat-internal.slack.com/archives/C050P27C71S/p1718800641718869?thread_ts=1718175617.310629&cid=C050P27C71S