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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-35323

4.16 bootstrap AWS S3 bucket fails to be created with s3 bucket policy


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      This is a clone of issue OCPBUGS-35309. The following is the description of the original issue:

      Description of problem:

      Installation of 4.16 fails with a AWS AccessDenied error trying to attach a bootstrap s3 bucket policy. 

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      How reproducible:

      Every time

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Create an installer policy with the permissions listed in the installer [here|https://github.com/openshift/installer/blob/master/pkg/asset/installconfig/aws/permissions.go]
      2. Run a install in AWS IPI

      Actual results:

      Install fails attempting to attach a policy to the bootstrap s3 bucket
      time="2024-06-11T14:58:15Z" level=debug msg="I0611 14:58:15.485718     132 s3.go:256] \"Created bucket\" controller=\"awscluster\" controllerGroup=\"infrastru
      cture.cluster.x-k8s.io\" controllerKind=\"AWSCluster\" AWSCluster=\"openshift-cluster-api-guests/jamesh-sts-8tl72\" namespace=\"openshift-cluster-api-guests\"
       name=\"jamesh-sts-8tl72\" reconcileID=\"c390f027-a2ee-4d37-9e5d-b6a11882c46b\" cluster=\"openshift-cluster-api-guests/jamesh-sts-8tl72\" bucket_name=\"opensh
      time="2024-06-11T14:58:15Z" level=debug msg="E0611 14:58:15.643613     132 controller.go:329] \"Reconciler error\" err=<"
      time="2024-06-11T14:58:15Z" level=debug msg="\tfailed to reconcile S3 Bucket for AWSCluster openshift-cluster-api-guests/jamesh-sts-8tl72: ensuring bucket pol
      icy: creating S3 bucket policy: AccessDenied: Access Denied"
      Expected results:{code:none}
      Install completes successfully

      Additional info:

      The installer did not attach an S3 bootstrap bucket policy in the past as far as I can tell [here|https://github.com/openshift/installer/blob/release-4.15/data/data/aws/cluster/main.tf#L133-L148], this new permission is required because of new functionality. 
      CAPA is placing a policy that denies non SSL encrypted traffic to the bucket, this shouldn't have an effect on installs, adding the IAM policy to allow the policy to be added results in a successful install. 
      S3 bootstrap bucket policy:
                  "Statement": [
                          "Sid": "ForceSSLOnlyAccess",
                          "Principal": {
                              "AWS": [
                          "Effect": "Deny",
                          "Action": [
                          "Resource": [
                          "Condition": {
                              "Bool": {
                                  "aws:SecureTransport": false

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