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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-35233

CVO fails to validate signatures: signatureStores is an empty array


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • None
    • 4.16.0, 4.17.0
    • None
    • Critical
    • Yes
    • Approved
    • False
    • Hide



      Description of problem:

      Attempts to update a cluster to a release payload with a signature published by Red Hat fails with CVO failing to verity the signature, signalled by the ReleaseAccepted=False condition:

      Retrieving payload failed version="4.16.0-rc.4" image="quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:5e76f8c2cdc81fa40abb809ee5e2d56cb84f409aab773aa9b9c7e8ed8811bf74" failure=The update cannot be verified: unable to verify sha256:5e76f8c2cdc81fa40abb809ee5e2d56cb84f409aab773aa9b9c7e8ed8811bf74 against keyrings: verifier-public-key-redhat

      CVO shows evidence of not being able to find the proper signature in its stores:

      $ grep verifier-public-key-redhat cvo.log | head
      I0610 07:38:16.208595       1 event.go:364] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"ClusterVersion", Namespace:"openshift-cluster-version", Name:"version", UID:"", APIVersion:"config.openshift.io/v1", ResourceVersion:"", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Warning' reason: 'RetrievePayloadFailed' Retrieving payload failed version="4.16.0-rc.4" image="quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:5e76f8c2cdc81fa40abb809ee5e2d56cb84f409aab773aa9b9c7e8ed8811bf74" failure=The update cannot be verified: unable to verify sha256:5e76f8c2cdc81fa40abb809ee5e2d56cb84f409aab773aa9b9c7e8ed8811bf74 against keyrings: verifier-public-key-redhat // [2024-06-10T07:38:16Z: prefix sha256-5e76f8c2cdc81fa40abb809ee5e2d56cb84f409aab773aa9b9c7e8ed8811bf74 in config map signatures-managed: no more signatures to check, 2024-06-10T07:38:16Z: ClusterVersion spec.signatureStores is an empty array. Unset signatureStores entirely if you want to enable the default signature stores]

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      How reproducible:

      Seems always. All CI build farm clusters showed this behavior when trying to update from 4.16.0-rc.3

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Launch update to a version with a signature published by RH

      Actual results:

      ReleaseAccepted=False and update is stuck

      Expected results:

      ReleaseAccepted=True and update proceeds

      Additional info:

      Suspected culprit is https://github.com/openshift/cluster-version-operator/pull/1030/ so the fix may be a revert or an attempt to fix-forward, but revert seems safer at this point.


      • #1030 was added in 4.16.0-rc.3
      • #1030 code is supposed to work with an updated ClusterVersion CRD field .spec.signatureStores which right now is in TechPreview, so it is not enabled by default
      • CVO log hints that it is trying to process the field but fails [1], and that somehow the signature store may be considered as an explicitly, intentionally empty array instead of default set of signature locations
      • easily reproducible on any release that contains #1030
      • testing cluster with a #1030 revert did not reproduce the bug, successfuly started updating to rc4


      ...ClusterVersion spec.signatureStores is an empty array. Unset signatureStores entirely if you want to enable the default signature store...
      W0610 07:58:59.095970       1 warnings.go:70] unknown field "spec.signatureStores"

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              afri@afri.cz Petr Muller
              Jia Liu Jia Liu
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