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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-3522

Improve CanaryChecksRepetitiveFailures actionability


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done-Errata
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • 4.16.0
    • 4.13
    • Networking / router
    • None
    • Moderate
    • None
    • 5
    • Sprint 229, Sprint 230, Sprint 231, Sprint 232, Sprint 233, Sprint 234, Sprint 236, Sprint 237, Sprint 238, Sprint 239, Sprint 240, Sprint 249, Sprint 250
    • 13
    • Rejected
    • False
    • Hide



      Description of problem:

      CanaryChecksRepetitiveFailures: Canary route checks for the default ingress controller are failing

      doesn't give much detail or suggest next-steps. Expanding it to include at least a more detailed error message would make it easier for the admin to figure out how to resolve the issue.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      It's in the dev branch, and probably dates back to whenever the canary system was added.

      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Break ingress. FIXME: Maybe by deleting the cloud load balancer, or dropping a firewall in the way, or something.
      2. See the canary pods start failing.
      3. Ingress operator sets CanaryChecksRepetitiveFailures with a message.

      Actual results:

      Canary route checks for the default ingress controller are failing

      Expected results:

      Canary route checks for the default ingress controller are failing: ${ERROR_MESSAGE}. ${POSSIBLY_ALSO_MORE_TROUBLESHOOTING_IDEAS?}

      Additional info:

      Plumbing the error message through might be as straightforward as passing probeRouteEndpoint's err through to setCanaryFailingStatusCondition for formatting. Or maybe it's more complicated than that?

            rfredett@redhat.com Ryan Fredette
            trking W. Trevor King
            Melvin Joseph Melvin Joseph
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
