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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-35053

e2e test failure: [sig-network][Feature:EgressFirewall] when using openshift ovn-kubernetes should ensure egressfirewall is created"


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    • Release Note Not Required
    • In Progress

      This is a clone of issue OCPBUGS-29182. The following is the description of the original issue:

      This is a clone of issue OCPBUGS-18577. The following is the description of the original issue:

      Description of problem:

      Job link: powervs » zstreams » zstream-ocp4x-powervs-london06-p9-current-upgrade #282 Console [Jenkins] (ibm.com)

      Must-gather link

      long snippet from e2e log

      external internet 09/01/23 07:26:09.624
      Sep  1 07:26:09.624: INFO: Running 'oc --namespace=e2e-test-egress-firewall-e2e-2vvzx --kubeconfig=/tmp/configfile1049873803 exec egressfirewall -- curl -q -s -I -m1 http://www.google.com:80'
      STEP: creating an egressfirewall object 09/01/23 07:26:09.903
      STEP: calling oc create -f /tmp/fixture-testdata-dir978363556/test/extended/testdata/egress-firewall/ovnk-egressfirewall-test.yaml 09/01/23 07:26:09.903
      Sep  1 07:26:09.904: INFO: Running 'oc --namespace=e2e-test-egress-firewall-e2e-2vvzx --kubeconfig=/root/.kube/config create -f /tmp/fixture-testdata-dir978363556/test/extended/testdata/egress-firewall/ovnk-egressfirewall-test.yaml'
      egressfirewall.k8s.ovn.org/default createdSTEP: sending traffic to control plane nodes should work 09/01/23 07:26:22.122
      Sep  1 07:26:22.130: INFO: Running 'oc --namespace=e2e-test-egress-firewall-e2e-2vvzx --kubeconfig=/tmp/configfile1049873803 exec egressfirewall -- curl -q -s -I -m1 -k'
      Sep  1 07:26:23.358: INFO: Error running /usr/local/bin/oc --namespace=e2e-test-egress-firewall-e2e-2vvzx --kubeconfig=/tmp/configfile1049873803 exec egressfirewall -- curl -q -s -I -m1 -k
      command terminated with exit code 28
      command terminated with exit code 28[AfterEach] [sig-network][Feature:EgressFirewall]
      STEP: Collecting events from namespace "e2e-test-egress-firewall-e2e-2vvzx". 09/01/23 07:26:23.358
      STEP: Found 4 events. 09/01/23 07:26:23.361
      Sep  1 07:26:23.361: INFO: At 2023-09-01 07:26:08 -0400 EDT - event for egressfirewall: {multus } AddedInterface: Add eth0 [] from ovn-kubernetes
      Sep  1 07:26:23.361: INFO: At 2023-09-01 07:26:08 -0400 EDT - event for egressfirewall: {kubelet lon06-worker-0.rdr-qe-ocp-upi-7250.redhat.com} Pulled: Container image "quay.io/openshift/community-e2e-images:e2e-quay-io-redhat-developer-nfs-server-1-1-dlXGfzrk5aNo8EjC" already present on machine
      Sep  1 07:26:23.361: INFO: At 2023-09-01 07:26:08 -0400 EDT - event for egressfirewall: {kubelet lon06-worker-0.rdr-qe-ocp-upi-7250.redhat.com} Created: Created container egressfirewall-container
      Sep  1 07:26:23.361: INFO: At 2023-09-01 07:26:08 -0400 EDT - event for egressfirewall: {kubelet lon06-worker-0.rdr-qe-ocp-upi-7250.redhat.com} Started: Started container egressfirewall-container
      Sep  1 07:26:23.363: INFO: POD             NODE                                           PHASE    GRACE  CONDITIONS
      Sep  1 07:26:23.363: INFO: egressfirewall  lon06-worker-0.rdr-qe-ocp-upi-7250.redhat.com  Running         [{Initialized True 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC 2023-09-01 07:26:07 -0400 EDT  } {Ready True 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC 2023-09-01 07:26:09 -0400 EDT  } {ContainersReady True 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC 2023-09-01 07:26:09 -0400 EDT  } {PodScheduled True 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC 2023-09-01 07:26:07 -0400 EDT  }]
      Sep  1 07:26:23.363: INFO: 
      Sep  1 07:26:23.367: INFO: skipping dumping cluster info - cluster too large
      Sep  1 07:26:23.383: INFO: Deleted {user.openshift.io/v1, Resource=users  e2e-test-egress-firewall-e2e-2vvzx-user}, err: <nil>
      Sep  1 07:26:23.398: INFO: Deleted {oauth.openshift.io/v1, Resource=oauthclients  e2e-client-e2e-test-egress-firewall-e2e-2vvzx}, err: <nil>
      Sep  1 07:26:23.414: INFO: Deleted {oauth.openshift.io/v1, Resource=oauthaccesstokens  sha256~X_2HPGEj3O9hpd-3XKTckrp9bO23s_7zlJ3Tkn7ncBE}, err: <nil>
      [AfterEach] [sig-network][Feature:EgressFirewall]
      STEP: Collecting events from namespace "e2e-test-no-egress-firewall-e2e-84f48". 09/01/23 07:26:23.414
      STEP: Found 0 events. 09/01/23 07:26:23.416
      Sep  1 07:26:23.417: INFO: POD  NODE  PHASE  GRACE  CONDITIONS
      Sep  1 07:26:23.417: INFO: 
      Sep  1 07:26:23.421: INFO: skipping dumping cluster info - cluster too large
      Sep  1 07:26:23.446: INFO: Deleted {user.openshift.io/v1, Resource=users  e2e-test-no-egress-firewall-e2e-84f48-user}, err: <nil>
      Sep  1 07:26:23.451: INFO: Deleted {oauth.openshift.io/v1, Resource=oauthclients  e2e-client-e2e-test-no-egress-firewall-e2e-84f48}, err: <nil>
      Sep  1 07:26:23.457: INFO: Deleted {oauth.openshift.io/v1, Resource=oauthaccesstokens  sha256~2Lk8-jWfwpdyo59E9YF7kQFKH2LBUSvnbJdKj7rOzn4}, err: <nil>
      [DeferCleanup (Each)] [sig-network][Feature:EgressFirewall]
        dump namespaces | framework.go:196
      STEP: dump namespace information after failure 09/01/23 07:26:23.457
      [DeferCleanup (Each)] [sig-network][Feature:EgressFirewall]
        tear down framework | framework.go:193
      STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-test-no-egress-firewall-e2e-84f48" for this suite. 09/01/23 07:26:23.457
      [DeferCleanup (Each)] [sig-network][Feature:EgressFirewall]
        dump namespaces | framework.go:196
      STEP: dump namespace information after failure 09/01/23 07:26:23.462
      [DeferCleanup (Each)] [sig-network][Feature:EgressFirewall]
        tear down framework | framework.go:193
      STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-test-egress-firewall-e2e-2vvzx" for this suite. 09/01/23 07:26:23.463
      fail [github.com/openshift/origin/test/extended/networking/egress_firewall.go:155]: Unexpected error:
          <*fmt.wrapError | 0xc001dd50a0>: {
              msg: "Error running /usr/local/bin/oc --namespace=e2e-test-egress-firewall-e2e-2vvzx --kubeconfig=/tmp/configfile1049873803 exec egressfirewall -- curl -q -s -I -m1 -k\nStdOut>\ncommand terminated with exit code 28\nStdErr>\ncommand terminated with exit code 28\nexit status 28\n",
              err: <*exec.ExitError | 0xc001dd5080>{
                  ProcessState: {
                      pid: 140483,
                      status: 7168,
                      rusage: {
                          Utime: {Sec: 0, Usec: 149480},
                          Stime: {Sec: 0, Usec: 19930},
                          Maxrss: 222592,
                          Ixrss: 0,
                          Idrss: 0,
                          Isrss: 0,
                          Minflt: 1536,
                          Majflt: 0,
                          Nswap: 0,
                          Inblock: 0,
                          Oublock: 0,
                          Msgsnd: 0,
                          Msgrcv: 0,
                          Nsignals: 0,
                          Nvcsw: 596,
                          Nivcsw: 173,
                  Stderr: nil,
          Error running /usr/local/bin/oc --namespace=e2e-test-egress-firewall-e2e-2vvzx --kubeconfig=/tmp/configfile1049873803 exec egressfirewall -- curl -q -s -I -m1 -k
          command terminated with exit code 28
          command terminated with exit code 28
          exit status 28
      Ginkgo exit error 1: exit with code 1failed: (18.7s) 2023-09-01T11:26:23 "[sig-network][Feature:EgressFirewall] when using openshift ovn-kubernetes should ensure egressfirewall is created  [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]"

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      How reproducible:

      This e2e failure is not consistently reproduceable.

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1.Start a Z stream Job via Jenkins
      2.monitor e2e

      Actual results:

      e2e is getting failed

      Expected results:

      e2e should pass

      Additional info:


            pbastide_rh Paul Bastide
            openshift-crt-jira-prow OpenShift Prow Bot
            Anurag Saxena Anurag Saxena
            Jacob Tanenbaum
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
