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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-35033

[IBI] ib-cli tool throws an error: Error executing installationiso command: failed to create installation ISO: failed to make http get call to : Get "": unsupported protocol scheme ""


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • None
    • 4.16
    • LCA operator
    • None
    • No
    • False
    • Hide



      Constantly getting the following error.

      Tried with even simplified version of image-based-install-iso.yaml

      seedImage: 'quay.io/ocp-edge-qe/ib-seedimage-public:ci-4.16-ibi'
      seedVersion: 4.16.0-rc.3
      installationDisk: /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_drive-scsi0-0-0-0
      /tmp/target-0/ibi-iso-workdir/bin/ib-cli create-iso --dir  /tmp/target-0/ibi-iso-workdir/
      ib-cli assists Image Based Install (IBI).
        Find more information at: https://github.com/openshift-kni/lifecycle-agent/blob/main/ib-cli/README.md
      INFO[2024-06-06 14:21:08] Installation ISO creation has started        
      INFO[2024-06-06 14:21:08] Creating IBI installation ISO                
      INFO[2024-06-06 14:21:08] Generating Ignition Config                   
      INFO[2024-06-06 14:21:08] Downloading live ISO                         
      ERRO[2024-06-06 14:21:08] failed to create installation ISO: failed to make http get call to : Get "": unsupported protocol scheme "" 
      FATA[2024-06-06 14:21:08] Error executing installationiso command: failed to create installation ISO: failed to make http get call to : Get "": unsupported protocol scheme "" 

            jche@redhat.com Jun Chen
            achuzhoy@redhat.com Alexander Chuzhoy
            Yang Liu Yang Liu
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
