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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-34840

OpenShift RHEL8 worker nodes cannot upgrade due to the networking broken after yum allowerasing upgrade from openvswitch2.15 to 3.1 version


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • 4.12.z
    • None
    • Important
    • No
    • False
    • Hide



      Description of problem:

      In OVN-Kubernetes environment, OpenShift RHEL8 worker nodes cannot upgrade due to the networking broken after yum allowerasing upgrade from openvswitch2.15 to 3.1 version

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      OpenShift 4.12 version or later

      How reproducible:

      In OCP4.12.13 OVN-Kubernetes plugin cluster is installed earyly and the rpm package of openvswitch is staying at 2.15 version.
      The RHEL8 worker would want to use the ansible-playbook to upgrade the latest 4.12.z or 4.13.41.
      # cd /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/
      # ansible-playbook -vvv -i /root/rhel-worker/inventory playbooks/upgrade.yml
      ansible-playbook tasks will be failed in TASK [openshift_node : Pull MCD image] due to the networking broken after yum allowerasing upgrade from openvswitch2.15 to openvswitch3.1 version step of 'yum install openvswitch3.1 --allowerasing -y' after TASK [openshift_node : Install openshift packages]
      # Upgrade Node Packages
      - import_tasks: install.yml
      - block:
        - name: Install openshift packages
            name: "{{ openshift_packages }}"
            state: latest
            allowerasing: true <- 'allowerasing' parameter causes the networking broken due to openvswitch version is changed
            disable_gpg_check: true
          async: 3600
          poll: 30
          register: result
          until: result is succeeded
      openshift_packages: "{{ (openshift_node_packages + openshift_node_support_packages) | join(',') }}"
        - conmon
        - cri-o-{{ crio_latest }}
        - cri-tools
        - openshift-clients-{{ l_cluster_version }}*
        - openshift-hyperkube-{{ l_cluster_version }}*
        - podman
        - runc
      openshift_node_support_packages: "{{
        openshift_node_support_packages_base +
        openshift_node_support_packages_by_os_major_version[ansible_distribution_major_version] +
        openshift_node_support_packages_by_arch[ansible_architecture] }}"
        - kernel
        - systemd
        - selinux-policy-targeted
        - setools-console
        - dracut-network
        - passwd
        - openssh-server
        - openssh-clients
        - skopeo
        - containernetworking-plugins
        - nfs-utils
        - NetworkManager
        - NetworkManager-ovs  # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1884095
        - dnsmasq
        - lvm2
        - iscsi-initiator-utils
        - sg3_utils
        - device-mapper-multipath
        - xfsprogs
        - e2fsprogs
        - mdadm
        - cryptsetup
        - chrony
        - logrotate
        - sssd
        - shadow-utils
        - sudo
        - coreutils
        - less
        - tar
        - xz
        - gzip
        - bzip2
        - rsync
        - tmux
        - nmap-ncat
        - net-tools
        - bind-utils
        - strace
        - bash-completion
        - vim-minimal
        - nano
        - authconfig
        - iptables-services
        - cifs-utils  # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1827982
        - jq
        - libseccomp
          - openvswitch2.13
          - policycoreutils-python
          - bridge-utils
          - container-storage-setup
          - ceph-common
          - openvswitch3.1 <- Here upgrade to openvswitch3.1 from 2.15 will be networking broken
          - policycoreutils-python-utils
      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. In OVN-Kubernetes Environment, keep the RHEL8 worker installed the old version openvswitch 2.15 and reboot the machine ensure the networking everything is working.
      2. Use the ansible-playbook for upgrade the RHEL8 worker nodes to 4.13.41 version.
      # cd /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/
      # ansible-playbook -vvv -i /root/rhel-worker/inventory playbooks/upgrade.yml
      3. ansible-playbook tasks will be failed in TASK [openshift_node : Pull MCD image] due to the networking broken after yum allowerasing upgrade from openvswitch2.15 to openvswitch3.1 version step of 'yum install openvswitch3.1 --allowerasing -y' after TASK [openshift_node : Install openshift packages]
      4. The upgrading targets RHEL8 worker nodes become NotReady state due to the networking broken and ansible-playbook cannot finish all the upgrading tasks.

      Actual results:

      ansible-playbook tasks pending on TASK [openshift_node : Pull MCD image] due to the OVN-Kubernetes networking broken after upgraded openvswitch2.15 to 3.1 version

      Expected results:

      ansible-playbook tasks could complete all the tasks and fix the OVN-Kubernetes networking broken after upgrading openvswitch2.15 to 3.1 version

      Additional info:

      The customer cannot upgrade OVN-Kubernetes plugin RHEL8 worker nodes due to the networking broken, please provide the workaround to assist the customer RHEL8 worker nodes upgrading or fix the broken networking.

              rh-ee-bbarbach Brent Barbachem
              rhn-support-jiewu Jie Wu
              Gaoyun Pei Gaoyun Pei
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
