Resolution: Done-Errata
This is a clone of issue OCPBUGS-33789. The following is the description of the original issue:
Description of problem:
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
There is an intermittent issue with the UploadImage() implementation in github.com/nutanix-cloud-native/prism-go-client@v0.3.4, on which the OCP installer depends. When testing the OCP installer with ClusterAPIInstall=true, I frequently hit the error with UploadImage() when calling to upload the bootstrap image to PC from the local image file. The error logs: INFO creating the bootstrap image demo-ocp-cluster-g1-lrmwb-bootstrap-ign.iso (uuid: 75694edf-f9c4-4d9a-9a44-731a4d103cc8), taskUUID: c8eafd49-54e2-4fb9-a3df-c456863d71fd. INFO created the bootstrap image demo-ocp-cluster-g1-lrmwb-bootstrap-ign.iso (uuid: 75694edf-f9c4-4d9a-9a44-731a4d103cc8). INFO preparing to upload the bootstrap image demo-ocp-cluster-g1-lrmwb-bootstrap-ign.iso (uuid: 75694edf-f9c4-4d9a-9a44-731a4d103cc8) data from file /Users/yanhuali/Library/Caches/openshift-installer/image_cache/demo-ocp-cluster-g1-lrmwb-bootstrap-ign.iso ERROR failed to upload the bootstrap image data "demo-ocp-cluster-g1-lrmwb-bootstrap-ign.iso" from filepath /Users/yanhuali/Library/Caches/openshift-installer/image_cache/demo-ocp-cluster-g1-lrmwb-bootstrap-ign.iso: status: 400 Bad Request, error-response: { ERROR "api_version": "3.1", ERROR "code": 400, ERROR "message_list": [ ERROR { ERROR "message": "Given input is invalid. Image 75694edf-f9c4-4d9a-9a44-731a4d103cc8 is already complete", ERROR "reason": "INVALID_ARGUMENT" ERROR }ERROR ], ERROR "state": "ERROR" ERROR } ERROR failed to fetch Cluster: failed to generate asset "Cluster": failed to create cluster: failed preparing ignition data: failed to upload the bootstrap image data "demo-ocp-cluster-g1-lrmwb-bootstrap-ign.iso" from filepath /Users/yanhuali/Library/Caches/openshift-installer/image_cache/demo-ocp-cluster-g1-lrmwb-bootstrap-ign.iso: status: 400 Bad Request, error-response: { ERROR "api_version": "3.1", ERROR "code": 400, ERROR "message_list": [ ERROR { ERROR "message": "Given input is invalid. Image 75694edf-f9c4-4d9a-9a44-731a4d103cc8 is already complete", ERROR "reason": "INVALID_ARGUMENT" ERROR }ERROR ], ERROR "state": "ERROR" ERROR } The OCP installer code calling the prism-go-client function UploadImage() is here:https://github.com/openshift/installer/blob/master/pkg/infrastructure/nutanix/clusterapi/clusterapi.go#L172-L207
How reproducible:
Use OCP IPI 4.16 to provision a Nutanix OCP cluster with the install-config ClusterAPIInstall=true. This is an intermittent issue, so you need to repeat the test several times to reproduce.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. 2. 3.
Actual results:
The installer intermittently failed at uploading the bootstrap image data to PC from the local image data file.
Expected results:
The installer successfully to create the Nutanix OCP cluster with the install-config ClusterAPIInstall=true.
Additional info:
- clones
OCPBUGS-33789 Nutanix: installer intermittent failure to upload image data from local file when CAPI enabled
- Closed
- is blocked by
OCPBUGS-33789 Nutanix: installer intermittent failure to upload image data from local file when CAPI enabled
- Closed
- links to
RHEA-2024:0041 OpenShift Container Platform 4.16.z bug fix update