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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-34791

[CI-Watcher] add-flow-ci.feature is failing


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      add-flow-ci.feature test is flaking sporadically for both console and console-operator repositories.

        Running:  add-flow-ci.feature                                                             (1 of 1)
      [23798:0602/212526.775826:ERROR:zygote_host_impl_linux.cc(273)] Failed to adjust OOM score of renderer with pid 24169: Permission denied (13)
      Couldn't determine Mocha version
        Logging in as test
        Create the different workloads from Add page
            redirect to home
            ensure perspective switcher is set to Developer
          ✓ Getting started resources on Developer perspective (16906ms)
            redirect to home
            ensure perspective switcher is set to Developer
            Select Template category CI/CD
            You are on Topology page - Graph view
          ✓ Deploy Application using Catalog Template "CI/CD": A-01-TC02 (example #1) (27858ms)
            redirect to home
            ensure perspective switcher is set to Developer
            Select Template category Databases
            You are on Topology page - Graph view
          ✓ Deploy Application using Catalog Template "Databases": A-01-TC02 (example #2) (29800ms)
            redirect to home
            ensure perspective switcher is set to Developer
            Select Template category Languages
            You are on Topology page - Graph view
          ✓ Deploy Application using Catalog Template "Languages": A-01-TC02 (example #3) (38286ms)
            redirect to home
            ensure perspective switcher is set to Developer
            Select Template category Middleware
            You are on Topology page - Graph view
          ✓ Deploy Application using Catalog Template "Middleware": A-01-TC02 (example #4) (30501ms)
            redirect to home
            ensure perspective switcher is set to Developer
            Select Template category Other
            You are on Topology page - Graph view
          ✓ Deploy Application using Catalog Template "Other": A-01-TC02 (example #5) (35567ms)
            redirect to home
            ensure perspective switcher is set to Developer
            Application Name "sample-app" is created
            Resource type "deployment" is selected
            You are on Topology page - Graph view
          ✓ Deploy secure image with Runtime icon from external registry: A-02-TC02 (example #1) (28896ms)
            redirect to home
            ensure perspective switcher is set to Developer
            Application Name "sample-app" is selected
            Resource type "deployment" is selected
            You are on Topology page - Graph view
          ✓ Deploy image with Runtime icon from internal registry: A-02-TC03 (example #1) (23555ms)
            redirect to home
            ensure perspective switcher is set to Developer
            Resource type "deployment" is selected
            You are on Topology page - Graph view
            You are on Topology page - Graph view
            You are on Topology page - Graph view
          ✓ Edit Runtime Icon while Editing Image: A-02-TC05 (47438ms)
            redirect to home
            ensure perspective switcher is set to Developer
            You are on Topology page - Graph view
          ✓ Create the Database from Add page: A-03-TC01 (19645ms)
            redirect to home
            ensure perspective switcher is set to Developer
            redirect to home
            ensure perspective switcher is set to Developer
          1) Deploy git workload with devfile from topology page: A-04-TC01
            redirect to home
            ensure perspective switcher is set to Developer
            Resource type "Deployment" is selected
            You are on Topology page - Graph view
          ✓ Create a workload from Docker file with "Deployment" as resource type: A-05-TC02 (example #1) (43434ms)
            redirect to home
            ensure perspective switcher is set to Developer
            You are on Topology page - Graph view
          ✓ Create a workload from YAML file: A-07-TC01 (31905ms)
            redirect to home
            ensure perspective switcher is set to Developer
          ✓ Upload Jar file page details: A-10-TC01 (24692ms)
            redirect to home
            ensure perspective switcher is set to Developer
            You are on Topology page - Graph view
          ✓ Create Sample Application from Add page: GS-03-TC05 (example #1) (40882ms)
            redirect to home
            ensure perspective switcher is set to Developer
            You are on Topology page - Graph view
          ✓ Create Sample Application from Add page: GS-03-TC05 (example #2) (52287ms)
            redirect to home
            ensure perspective switcher is set to Developer
          ✓ Quick Starts page when no Quick Start has started: QS-03-TC02 (23439ms)
            redirect to home
            ensure perspective switcher is set to Developer
            quick start is complete
          ✓ Quick Starts page when Quick Start has completed: QS-03-TC03 (28139ms)
        17 passing (10m)
        1 failing
        1) Create the different workloads from Add page
             Deploy git workload with devfile from topology page: A-04-TC01:
           CypressError: `cy.focus()` can only be called on a single element. Your subject contained 14 elements.
            at Context.focus (https://console-openshift-console.apps.ci-op-lm9pvf4l-be832.origin-ci-int-aws.dev.rhcloud.com/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:112944:70)
            at wrapped (https://console-openshift-console.apps.ci-op-lm9pvf4l-be832.origin-ci-int-aws.dev.rhcloud.com/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:138021:19)
        From Your Spec Code:
            at Context.eval (webpack:///./support/step-definitions/addFlow/create-from-devfile.ts:10:59)
            at Context.resolveAndRunStepDefinition (webpack:////go/src/github.com/openshift/console/frontend/node_modules/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor/lib/resolveStepDefinition.js:217:0)
            at Context.eval (webpack:////go/src/github.com/openshift/console/frontend/node_modules/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor/lib/createTestFromScenario.js:26:0)
      [mochawesome] Report JSON saved to /go/src/github.com/openshift/console/frontend/gui_test_screenshots/cypress_report_devconsole.json
        │ Tests:        18                                                                               │
        │ Passing:      17                                                                               │
        │ Failing:      1                                                                                │
        │ Pending:      0                                                                                │
        │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
        │ Screenshots:  2                                                                                │
        │ Video:        false                                                                            │
        │ Duration:     10 minutes, 0 seconds                                                            │
        │ Spec Ran:     add-flow-ci.feature                                                              │
        -  /go/src/github.com/openshift/console/frontend/gui_test_screenshots/cypress/scree     (1280x720)
           nshots/add-flow-ci.feature/Create the different workloads from Add page -- Deplo               
           y git workload with devfile from topology page A-04-TC01 (failed).png                          
        -  /go/src/github.com/openshift/console/frontend/gui_test_screenshots/cypress/scree     (1280x720)
           nshots/add-flow-ci.feature/Create the different workloads from Add page -- Deplo               
           y git workload with devfile from topology page A-04-TC01 (failed) (attempt 2).pn               
        (Run Finished)
             Spec                                              Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped  
        │ ✖  add-flow-ci.feature                      10:00       18       17        1        -        - │
          ✖  1 of 1 failed (100%)                     10:00       18       17        1        -        -  



            spathak Sanket Pathak
            jhadvig@redhat.com Jakub Hadvig
            Sanket Pathak Sanket Pathak
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
