Resolution: Done-Errata
This is a clone of issue OCPBUGS-33319. The following is the description of the original issue:
Description of problem:
We followed the documentation for bringing your own Windows host (BYOH) into an existing OpenShift cluster 4.14.X running in vsphere. We were able to join the node to the cluster and schedule a Windows workload. But adding a Windows node is causing a taint node.cloudprovide.kubernetes.io=uninitilized and also the VSphereCSIDriverOperatorCRUpgradeable: VMwareVSphereControllerUpgradeable: unable to find VM win-worker-1 by UUID Customert support case https://access.redhat.com/support/cases/#/case/03810909. I have attached oc-must gather, and the rest of details from the cluster.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
OCP 4.14.X and WMCO 9.0.X
How reproducible:
Follow the docs https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.14/windows_containers/byoh-windows-instance.html
Actual results:
Taint: node.cloudprovide.kubernetes.io=uninitilized VMwareVSphereControllerUpgradeable: unable to find VM win-worker-1 by UUID
- links to
RHBA-2023:125706 Red Hat OpenShift for Windows Containers 10.16.0 product release
- mentioned on