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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-34646

[v1] Disk to Mirror or use of targetCatalog requires access to internet for catalog images


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    • CLID Sprint 254
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      Previously, during the disk-to-mirror process for fully disconnected environments, oc-mirror plugin v1 would fail to mirror the catalog image when access to Red Hat registries was blocked. Additionally, if the `ImageSetConfiguration` used a `targetCatalog` for the mirrored catalog, mirroring would fail due to incorrect catalog image references regardless of the workflow. This issue has been resolved by updating the catalog image source for mirroring to the mirror registry.

      Previously, during the disk-to-mirror process for fully disconnected environments, oc-mirror plugin v1 would fail to mirror the catalog image when access to Red Hat registries was blocked. Additionally, if the `ImageSetConfiguration` used a `targetCatalog` for the mirrored catalog, mirroring would fail due to incorrect catalog image references regardless of the workflow. This issue has been resolved by updating the catalog image source for mirroring to the mirror registry. (link: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-34646 [* OCPBUGS-34646 *])
    • Bug Fix
    • Done

      This is a clone of issue OCPBUGS-34521. The following is the description of the original issue:

      Description of problem:

      when use targetCatalog, mirror failed with error: 
      error: error rebuilding catalog images from file-based catalogs: error copying image docker://registry.redhat.io/abc/redhat-operator-index:v4.13 to docker://localhost:5000/abc/redhat-operator-index:v4.13: initializing source docker://registry.redhat.io/abc/redhat-operator-index:v4.13: (Mirrors also failed: [localhost:5000/abc/redhat-operator-index:v4.13: pinging container registry localhost:5000: Get "https://localhost:5000/v2/": http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client]): registry.redhat.io/abc/redhat-operator-index:v4.13: reading manifest v4.13 in registry.redhat.io/abc/redhat-operator-index: unauthorized: access to the requested resource is not authorized 



      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      oc-mirror 4.16

      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

      1) Use following isc to do mirror2mirror for v1:    
      kind: ImageSetConfiguration
      apiVersion: mirror.openshift.io/v1alpha2
          path: /tmp/case60597
        - catalog: registry.redhat.io/redhat/redhat-operator-index:v4.13
          targetCatalog: abc/redhat-operator-index
          - name: servicemeshoperator  
      `oc-mirror --config config.yaml docker://localhost:5000 --dest-use-http`


      Actual results: 

      1) mirror failed with error:
      info: Mirroring completed in 420ms (0B/s)
      error: error rebuilding catalog images from file-based catalogs: error copying image docker://registry.redhat.io/abc/redhat-operator-index:v4.13 to docker://localhost:5000/abc/redhat-operator-index:v4.13: initializing source docker://registry.redhat.io/abc/redhat-operator-index:v4.13: (Mirrors also failed: [localhost:5000/abc/redhat-operator-index:v4.13: pinging container registry localhost:5000: Get "https://localhost:5000/v2/": http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client]): registry.redhat.io/abc/redhat-operator-index:v4.13: reading manifest v4.13 in registry.redhat.io/abc/redhat-operator-index: unauthorized: access to the requested resource is not authorized

      Expected results:

      1) no error.

      Additional information:

      compared with oc-mirror 4.15.9, can't reproduce this issue 

              luzuccar@redhat.com Luigi Mario Zuccarelli
              openshift-crt-jira-prow OpenShift Prow Bot
              Ying Zhou Ying Zhou
              Subhashini T K Subhashini T K
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