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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-34504

[BM-IPI] Fail installation for NM connection name and UUID dupliaction


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      Description of problem:

          Installing a BM-IPI cluster fails due ovs-configuration.service inability to create the br-ex interface as NM create the connections with the duplicate "Wired Connection" and same UUID:   
      cat nmcli_con_show_id_Wired_Connection | grep "connection.id\|connection.uuid\|connection.interface-name\|connection.autoconnect-priority"
      connection.id:                          Wired Connection
      connection.uuid:                        6d615afb-b7a6-42d0-af47-31c4e2c6ebf2
      connection.interface-name:              --
      connection.autoconnect-priority:        -100
      connection.id:                          Wired Connection
      connection.uuid:                        5b13ef24-be53-46a2-9585-e1fa1c6c141c
      connection.interface-name:              --
      connection.autoconnect-priority:        -100
      With the duplicated name it shows the two connections at once and none of the two has an interface apparently assigned, both have the same priority which could potentially clash at the time of bringing up the interface or better at the time that ovs-configure script runs.
      Interestingly while showing them via `nmcli con show` one of the two shows the associated interface:
      cat nmcli_con
      NAME              UUID                                  TYPE      DEVICE
      Wired Connection  6d615afb-b7a6-42d0-af47-31c4e2c6ebf2  ethernet  ens1f0
      lo                2c8e4f4f-e3bb-4671-b906-3b117c6b1d0c  loopback  lo
      Wired Connection  5b13ef24-be53-46a2-9585-e1fa1c6c141c  ethernet  --

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

          Tested in OCP 4.14.17

      Steps to Reproduce:

         NOT ALWAYS REPRODUCIBLE (on client env)
         1. Start default installation of OCP IPI BM cluster using DHCP.
         2. Wait for the node for the first automated reboot.
         3. Check the NM connection created.     
         4. Wait for the installation to fail

      Actual results:

          Failed installation 

      Expected results:

           A succesfull installation without any workaround

      Additional info:

          Installer failure:
      DEBUG time="2024-05-09T09:08:37Z" level=fatal msg="validate service connection: validate CRI v1 runtime API for endpoint \"unix:///var/run/crio/crio.sock\": rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = \"transport: Error while dialing dial unix /var/run/crio/crio.sock: connect: no such file or directory\""
      Bootstrap units failure:
      cat failed-units.txt
        UNIT                               LOAD   ACTIVE SUB    DESCRIPTION
      * image-customization.service        loaded failed failed Customized Machine OS Image Server
      * NetworkManager-wait-online.service loaded failed failed Network Manager Wait Online



            bnemec@redhat.com Benjamin Nemec
            rhn-support-csaggin Cristiano Saggin
            Zhanqi Zhao Zhanqi Zhao
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