The bug report from Christian is specifically about the missing oc.rhel8 binary on RHEL 8 in the mirror URL path that would target installing on an s390x target cluster.
If you notice the URL pattern:
We collect each of the non-amd64 arches into their own arch-specific bucket representing the target architecture of the cluster you want to install on. Within that bucket, the listing of the binaries that don't contain an architecture matches the architecture of the target cluster as specificied in the URL.
So in the case of s390x, we would expect both of these to be s390x binaries because the arch is omitted, so it defaults to the target arch in the URL:
Instead, only the rhel9 binary is available, and it doesn't specify that it's RHEL 9 specific:
To contrast, the installer has already provided statically linked options for both RHEL 8 and RHEL 9:
The first binary should probably specificy rhel9 instead of leaving it ambiguous. (Maybe a symlink would be useful here?)
The name of the second binary is also breaking our naming convention:
I would expect it to be called openshift-install-linux-rhel8.tar.gz (since the s390x part is implied).
All of the above assumes that the binaries live in the client bucket targeting the installation of a s390x cluster.
For the amd64 bucket (e.g., we need to tag the client binaries with both the RHEL version AND the client arch.
For example, here are the power binaries:
What is weird to me is that we've never published s390x binaries. We probably don't need to, since I don't see an influx of s390x customers wanted to install amd64 clusters from their mainframe anytime soon. That said, for the sake of consistency, I feel like we should copy the binaries their too with the arch-tagged names just to be consistent. I.e.:
Since the problem described in this issue should be resolved in a recent advisory, it has been closed.
For information on the advisory (Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.17.0 bug fix and security update), and where to find the updated files, follow the link below.
If the solution does not work for you, open a new bug report.