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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-33304

Console does not remove one of the LVMS CRs when operand removal is opted


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • 4.15, 4.16
    • Management Console
    • None
    • Moderate
    • No
    • False
    • Hide



      Description of problem:

      After installing LVMS and creating an LVMCluster, attempting to uninstall the operator from the console hang at "Cleaning up operand instances. Operands remaining: 1 of 3."    

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      OCP 4.16
      OCP 4.15

      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Install LVMS on an AWS SNO from the OperatorHub
      2. Create an LVMCluster from the console
      3. Uninstall the operator from the console. Make sure to select "Delete all operand instances" checkbox.     

      Actual results:

      Deletion hangs waiting for the LVMVolumeGroupNodeStatus CR removal.    

      Expected results:

      All the CRs should be removed and the deletion should complete.    

      Additional info:

      This does not happen in any version below 4.15, so a regression might be introduced in 4.15 which prevents deletion of some operands. This CR does not have a finalizer so a deletion attemp would delete it immediately. There is no deletionTimestamp on the CR. 
      The issue is fixed on LVMS side by adding an additional removal logic, but this was not needed before 4.15 and console was deleting all the operands without any issues. So, we wanted to create this bug to understand what might have changed to cause this.     

            rhn-engineering-rhamilto Robb Hamilton
            sakbas@redhat.com Suleyman Akbas
            YaDan Pei YaDan Pei
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
