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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-33196

skip images which contains both digest and tag when mirroring with oc-mirror v2


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      Previously, oc-mirror plugin v2 (Technology Preview) failed to mirror certain operator catalogs that included image references with both `tag` and `digest` formats. This issue prevented the creation of cluster resources, such as `ImageDigestMirrorSource` (IDMS) and `ImageTagMirrorSource` (ITMS). With this update, oc-mirror resolves the issue by skipping images that have both `tag` and `digest` references, while displaying an appropriate warning message in the console output.

      Previously, oc-mirror plugin v2 (Technology Preview) failed to mirror certain operator catalogs that included image references with both `tag` and `digest` formats. This issue prevented the creation of cluster resources, such as `ImageDigestMirrorSource` (IDMS) and `ImageTagMirrorSource` (ITMS). With this update, oc-mirror resolves the issue by skipping images that have both `tag` and `digest` references, while displaying an appropriate warning message in the console output. (link: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-33196 [* OCPBUGS-33196 *])
    • Bug Fix
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      Description of problem:

      when user tries to  perform mirror to mirror with all the catalogs in oc-mirror v2 i see that  it fails with error as some catalog contains images that has both tags and digest. oc-mirror v2 fails to mirror such kind of operators and it  does not generate IDMS and ITMS

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      WARNING: This version information is deprecated and will be replaced with the output from --short. Use --output=yaml|json to get the full version.
      Client Version: version.Info{Major:"", Minor:"", GitVersion:"4.16.0-202404231239.p0.ge7889a7.assembly.stream.el9-e7889a7", GitCommit:"e7889a7ec70dd66b0d6a7ba6dedc3e4b93ebf4de", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2024-04-23T17:20:33Z", GoVersion:"go1.21.9 (Red Hat 1.21.9-1.el9_4) X:strictfipsruntime", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

          1. Install latest oc-mirror
          2. create imageSetconfig as below
          3. Now run the command `oc-mirror  --v2 -c /tmp/customer.yaml --workspace file:///app1/knarra/customertest docker://localhost:5000 --dest-tls-verify=false`

      Actual results:

          Verify that mirroring fails with error as listed below
           2024/04/30 18:24:02  [ERROR]  : [Worker] err: Invalid source name docker://quay.io/cilium/cilium-etcd-operator:v2.0.7@sha256:04b8327f7f992693c2cb483b999041ed8f92efc8e14f2a5f3ab95574a65ea2dc: Docker references with both a tag and digest are currently not supported
      2024/04/30 18:24:02  [ERROR]  : [Worker] err: Invalid source name docker://quay.io/cilium/startup-script:62093c5c233ea914bfa26a10ba41f8780d9b737f@sha256:a1454ca1f93b69ecd2c43482c8e13dc418ae15e28a46009f5934300a20afbdba: Docker references with both a tag and digest are currently not supported
      2024/04/30 18:24:02  [ERROR]  : [Worker] err: Invalid source name docker://quay.io/coreos/etcd:v3.5.4@sha256:a67fb152d4c53223e96e818420c37f11d05c2d92cf62c05ca5604066c37295e9: Docker references with both a tag and digest are currently not supported

      Expected results:

           Images with both tag and digest should be skipped while mirroring

      Additional info:


              luzuccar@redhat.com Luigi Mario Zuccarelli
              knarra@redhat.com Rama Kasturi Narra
              Rama Kasturi Narra Rama Kasturi Narra
              Subhashini T K Subhashini T K
              0 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue
