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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-31978

The upgrade of 4.13 is stuck due to the CNO issue - error: Invalid value: "null": in body must be of type object: "null"


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    • 30-April; cu's are closing support cases as soon a workaround is applied; workaround is removing gatewayConfig from CO before patching. KCS Published

      Description of problem:

      The upgrade to z-stream version of 4.13 is failing due to the error. (in case of the error below from 4.13.10 to 4.13.37)
      Error while trying to update operator configuration: failed to apply / update (operator.openshift.io/v1, Kind=Network) /cluster: Network.operator.openshift.io "cluster" is invalid: spec.defaultNetwork.ovnKubernetesConfig.gatewayConfig: Invalid value: "null": spec.defaultNetwork.ovnKubernetesConfig.gatewayConfig in body must be of type object: "null"
      The upgrade would not progress and the CNO logs show same thing.
      2024-04-05T21:53:45.245016281Z I0405 21:53:45.244976       1 log.go:198] Could not propagate configuration from network.config.openshift.io to network.operator.openshift.io: failed to apply / update (operator.openshift.io/v1, Kind=Network) /cluster: Network.operator.openshift.io "cluster" is invalid: spec.defaultNetwork.ovnKubernetesConfig.gatewayConfig: Invalid value: "null": spec.defaultNetwork.ovnKubernetesConfig.gatewayConfig in body must be of type object: "null"
      We fixed the issue by running a workaround to remove the configuration.
      # oc patch network.operator.openshift.io cluster --type=json -p="[{'op': 'remove', 'path': '/spec/defaultNetwork/ovnKubernetesConfig/gatewayConfig'}]"
      However, the we need to know the cause of that issue.
      Why would the CNO be stuck and why the original patch with error "Invalid value: "null" was presented.
      CNO should reconcile the latest version and should progress.
      Similar issue was shown before, however with different error.
      Invalid value: "null": spec.defaultNetwork.ovnKubernetesConfig.hybridOverlayConfig.hybridClusterNetwork in body must be of type array: "null"
      Same workaround was applied.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.10 -> 4.13.37

      How reproducible:

      N/A at this moment, we are not able to reproduce the issue.

      Steps to Reproduce:


      Actual results:

      Upgrade is stuck on CNO.

      Expected results:

      The CNO should reconcile and not show that error. The cause of the error is unknown. The upgrade should processed normally.

      Additional info:

      The workaround fixed the issue and upgrade finished just fine.
      The issue was only visible on their prod system - not on their preprod. Hence the request of RCA.

            jluhrsen Jamo Luhrsen
            rhn-support-vwalek Vladislav Walek
            Anurag Saxena Anurag Saxena
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