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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-31664

IngressController status says "kube-controller-manager" when it should say "cloud-controller-manager"


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    • NE Sprint 256, NE Sprint 257
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      * Previously, when a cluster failed to install on an on-premise platform with a configured load balancer, the `LoadBalancer` service's `LoadBalancerReady` condition received the `SyncLoadBalancerFailed` status. The status generated the following message:
      The kube-controller-manager logs might contain more details.
      This message is wrong because the logs are stored in the `cloud-controller-manager` namespace of a project. With this release, the `SyncLoadBalancerFailed` status now communicates the correct message: +
      [source, text]
      The cloud-controller-manager logs may contain more details.
      * Previously, when a cluster failed to install on an on-premise platform with a configured load balancer, the `LoadBalancer` service's `LoadBalancerReady` condition received the `SyncLoadBalancerFailed` status. The status generated the following message: + [source,text] ---- The kube-controller-manager logs might contain more details. ---- + This message is wrong because the logs are stored in the `cloud-controller-manager` namespace of a project. With this release, the `SyncLoadBalancerFailed` status now communicates the correct message: + + [source, text] ---- The cloud-controller-manager logs may contain more details. ---- + (link: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-31664 [* OCPBUGS-31664 *])
    • Bug Fix
    • Done

      Description of problem:

      The ingress operator provides the "SyncLoadBalancerFailed" status with a message that says "The kube-controller-manager logs may contain more details.".
      Depending on the platform, that isn't accurate as we are transitioning the CCM out-of-tree to the "cloud-controller-manager".
      Code Link: https://github.com/openshift/cluster-ingress-operator/blob/55780444031714fc931d90af298a4b193888977a/pkg/operator/controller/ingress/status.go#L874 

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

          1. Create a IngressController with a broken LoadBalancer-type service so it produces "SyncLoadBalancerFailed" (TBD, I'll try to figure out how to produce this...)

      Actual results:

          "The kube-controller-manager logs may contain more details."

      Expected results:

          "The cloud-controller-manager logs may contain more details."

      Additional info:


              rh-ee-gpiotrow Grzegorz Piotrowski
              gspence@redhat.com Grant Spence
              Melvin Joseph Melvin Joseph
              Darragh Fitzmaurice Darragh Fitzmaurice
              0 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue
