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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-31453

NNCP fails to configure OVS bridge using additional interface.


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      Waiting for must-gather and/or networkmanager logs

      Waiting for must-gather and/or networkmanager logs
    • Customer Escalated

      Description of problem:

      When tried to configure OVS bridge using additional iface for use with localnet topology as per doumentation[0], it returns the error as the OVS interface is of unknown type.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      OCP v4.15 using NMState operator

      How reproducible:

      Cannot test it in my env but Customer claims to reproduce sharing the YAMLs

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Create the NNCP that is given in our doc--> Example mapping for nodes with multiple interfaces
      2. Logs of nmstate-handler-xxxx pod shows error with unknown OVS type.
      3. The bridge isn't created &NAD can't be attached to VM using O-Virt

      Actual results:

      The bridge isn't created & NAD can't be attached to VM using O-Virt

      Expected results:

      The bridge is configured & NAD is able to attach an interface to VM

      Additional info:

      #forum-ocp-multus : https://redhat-internal.slack.com/archives/CFFSAHWHF/p1711106024449839
      #nmstate : https://redhat-internal.slack.com/archives/C04MH2B47HB/p1711443291831969

       [0] https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.15/networking/multiple_networks/configuring-additional-network.html#configuration-ovnk-additional-networks_configuring-additional-network

              bnemec@redhat.com Benjamin Nemec
              rhn-support-adubey Akash Dubey
              Qiong Wang Qiong Wang
              Akash Dubey
              0 Vote for this issue
              9 Start watching this issue
