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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-31354

[release-4.14] Misleading alert regarding high control plane CPU utilization in Single Node OpenShift (SNO) cluster

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      Previously, the `HighOverallControlPlaneCPU` alert triggered warnings based on criteria for multi-node clusters with high availability. As a result, misleading alerts were triggered in {sno} clusters because the configuration did not match the environment criteria. This update refines the alert logic to use {sno}-specific queries and thresholds and account for workload partitioning settings. As a result, CPU utilization alerts in {sno} clusters are accurate and relevant to single-node configurations. (link:https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-31354[*OCPBUGS-31354*])
      Previously, the `HighOverallControlPlaneCPU` alert triggered warnings based on criteria for multi-node clusters with high availability. As a result, misleading alerts were triggered in {sno} clusters because the configuration did not match the environment criteria. This update refines the alert logic to use {sno}-specific queries and thresholds and account for workload partitioning settings. As a result, CPU utilization alerts in {sno} clusters are accurate and relevant to single-node configurations. (link: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-31354 [* OCPBUGS-31354 *])
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      The monitoring system for  Single Node OpenShift (SNO) cluster is triggering an alert named "HighOverallControlPlaneCPU" related to excessive control plane CPU utilization. However, this alert is misleading as it assumes a multi-node setup with high availability (HA) considerations, which do not apply to  SNO deployment.

      The customer is receiving MNO alerts in the SNO cluster. Below are the details:
      The vDU with 2xRINLINE card is installed on the SNO node with OCP 4.14.14.
      Used hardware: Airframe OE22 2U server CPU Intel(R) Xeon Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6428N SPR-SP S3, (32 cores 64 threads) with 128GB memory.
      After all vDU pods became running, a few minutes later the following alert was triggered:

      {    "alertname": "HighOverallControlPlaneCPU",    "namespace": "openshift-kube-apiserver",    "openshift_io_alert_source": "platform",    "prometheus": "openshift-monitoring/k8s",    "severity": "warning"    }

         "annotations": {
         "description": "Given three control plane nodes, the overall CPU utilization may only be about 2/3 of all available capacity. 
      This is because if a single control plane node fails, the remaining two must handle the load of the cluster in order to be HA. 
      If the cluster is using more than 2/3 of all capacity, if one control plane node fails, the remaining two are likely to fail when they take the load. 
      To fix this, increase the CPU and memory on your control plane nodes.",
         "runbook_url": https://github.com/openshift/runbooks/blob/master/alerts/cluster-kube-apiserver-operator/ExtremelyHighIndividualControlPlaneCPU.md,
         "summary": "CPU utilization across all three control plane nodes is higher than two control plane nodes can sustain; 
         a single control plane node outage may cause a cascading failure; increase available CPU."
      The alert description is misleading since this cluster is SNO, there is no HA in this cluster.
      Increasing CPU capacity in SNO cluster is not an option.  
      Although the CPU usage is high, this alarm is not correct. 
      MNO and SNO clusters should have separate alert descriptions.

            [OCPBUGS-31354] [release-4.14] Misleading alert regarding high control plane CPU utilization in Single Node OpenShift (SNO) cluster

            Since the problem described in this issue should be resolved in a recent advisory, it has been closed.

            For information on the advisory (Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.33 bug fix and security update), and where to find the updated files, follow the link below.

            If the solution does not work for you, open a new bug report.

            Errata Tool added a comment - Since the problem described in this issue should be resolved in a recent advisory, it has been closed. For information on the advisory (Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.33 bug fix and security update), and where to find the updated files, follow the link below. If the solution does not work for you, open a new bug report. https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2024:4479

            Ke Wang added a comment -

            4.16 related bug https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-35831 has been verified. we can continue it on 4.15 and 4.14.
            Pre-merge verified, refer to steps of bug https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-31354?focusedId=24636314&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#comment-24636314,

            $ oc get clusterversion
            version 4.14.0-0.ci.test-2024-07-05-043558-ci-ln-mwbj2yt-latest True False 11m Cluster version is 4.14.0-0.ci.test-2024-07-05-043558-ci-ln-mwbj2yt-latest

            $ oc get no
            ip-10-0-58-51.us-west-1.compute.internal Ready control-plane,master,worker 28m v1.27.14+95b99ee

            Alerts HighOverallControlPlaneCPU and ExtremelyHighIndividualControlPlaneCPU are fired as expected.

            Ke Wang added a comment - 4.16 related bug https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-35831 has been verified. we can continue it on 4.15 and 4.14. Pre-merge verified, refer to steps of bug https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-31354?focusedId=24636314&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#comment-24636314 , $ oc get clusterversion NAME VERSION AVAILABLE PROGRESSING SINCE STATUS version 4.14.0-0.ci.test-2024-07-05-043558-ci-ln-mwbj2yt-latest True False 11m Cluster version is 4.14.0-0.ci.test-2024-07-05-043558-ci-ln-mwbj2yt-latest $ oc get no NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION ip-10-0-58-51.us-west-1.compute.internal Ready control-plane,master,worker 28m v1.27.14+95b99ee Alerts HighOverallControlPlaneCPU and ExtremelyHighIndividualControlPlaneCPU are fired as expected.

            Hi rhn-support-dmoessner
            Yes, PR got merged in. I need to backport it from 4.16 to 4.14. I'll try to push people to approve backports asap

            Bulat Zamalutdinov added a comment - Hi rhn-support-dmoessner Yes, PR got merged in. I need to backport it from 4.16 to 4.14. I'll try to push people to approve backports asap

            Hey rhn-support-dmoessner
            I've closed backport PR because original PR got reverted
            You can track the progress at GH LINK. We do have hot debates in it

            Bulat Zamalutdinov added a comment - Hey rhn-support-dmoessner I've closed backport PR because original PR got reverted You can track the progress at GH LINK . We do have hot debates in it

            Hi rhn-support-dmoessner. I'm waiting for last labels to be applied to PR so i can merge it.

            Yes, when workload partitioning is enabled we take it into an account to adjust alert threshold. When it's not enabled we provide default values

            Bulat Zamalutdinov added a comment - Hi rhn-support-dmoessner . I'm waiting for last labels to be applied to PR so i can merge it. Yes, when workload partitioning is enabled we take it into an account to adjust alert threshold. When it's not enabled we provide default values

            Junqi Zhao added a comment -

            it is kube-apiserver issue, should be someone from apiserver-qe-team to verify

            $ oc -n openshift-kube-apiserver get prometheusrules cpu-utilization -oyaml 
              - name: control-plane-cpu-utilization
                - alert: HighOverallControlPlaneCPU
                    description: Given three control plane nodes, the overall CPU utilization
                      may only be about 2/3 of all available capacity. This is because if a single
                      control plane node fails, the remaining two must handle the load of the
                      cluster in order to be HA. If the cluster is using more than 2/3 of all
                      capacity, if one control plane node fails, the remaining two are likely
                      to fail when they take the load. To fix this, increase the CPU and memory
                      on your control plane nodes.
                    runbook_url: https://github.com/openshift/runbooks/blob/master/alerts/cluster-kube-apiserver-operator/ExtremelyHighIndividualControlPlaneCPU.md
                    summary: CPU utilization across all three control plane nodes is higher than
                      two control plane nodes can sustain; a single control plane node outage
                      may cause a cascading failure; increase available CPU.
                  expr: |
                      100 - (avg by (instance) (rate(node_cpu_seconds_total{mode="idle"}[1m])) * 100)
                      AND on (instance) label_replace( kube_node_role{role="master"}, "instance", "$1", "node", "(.+)" )
                    > 60
                  for: 10m
                    namespace: openshift-kube-apiserver
                    severity: warning

            assign to wk2019 

            Junqi Zhao added a comment - it is kube-apiserver issue, should be someone from apiserver-qe-team to verify $ oc -n openshift-kube-apiserver get prometheusrules cpu-utilization -oyaml  .. spec:   groups:   - name: control-plane-cpu-utilization     rules:     - alert: HighOverallControlPlaneCPU       annotations:         description: Given three control plane nodes, the overall CPU utilization           may only be about 2/3 of all available capacity. This is because if a single           control plane node fails, the remaining two must handle the load of the           cluster in order to be HA. If the cluster is using more than 2/3 of all           capacity, if one control plane node fails, the remaining two are likely           to fail when they take the load. To fix this , increase the CPU and memory           on your control plane nodes.         runbook_url: https: //github.com/openshift/runbooks/blob/master/alerts/cluster-kube-apiserver- operator /ExtremelyHighIndividualControlPlaneCPU.md         summary: CPU utilization across all three control plane nodes is higher than           two control plane nodes can sustain; a single control plane node outage           may cause a cascading failure; increase available CPU.       expr: |         sum(           100 - (avg by (instance) (rate(node_cpu_seconds_total{mode= "idle" }[1m])) * 100)           AND on (instance) label_replace( kube_node_role{role= "master" }, "instance" , "$1" , "node" , "(.+)" )         )         /         count(kube_node_role{role= "master" })         > 60       for : 10m       labels:         namespace: openshift-kube-apiserver         severity: warning assign to wk2019  

            I opened a backport PR with the fix there
            It seems working fine, can you verify it as well?

            Bulat Zamalutdinov added a comment - juzhao@redhat.com I opened a backport PR with the fix there It seems working fine, can you verify it as well?

            It seems related to https://issues.redhat.com//browse/OCPBUGS-22117 but I'll let the SNO team triage.

            Simon Pasquier added a comment - It seems related to https://issues.redhat.com//browse/OCPBUGS-22117 but I'll let the SNO team triage.

              bzamalut@redhat.com Bulat Zamalutdinov
              rhn-support-bhab Bharathi B
              Ke Wang Ke Wang
              Alexandra Molnar Alexandra Molnar
              0 Vote for this issue
              14 Start watching this issue
