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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-30979

(All hypershift environments) Cluster-network-operator doesn't use node local kube-apiserver loadbalancer when templating in cluster resources


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      Description of problem:

          The cluster-network-operator in hypershift when templating in cluster resources does not use the node local address of the client side haproxy load balancer that runs on all nodes. This bypasses a level of health checks for the backend redundant apiserver addresses that is performed by the local kube-apiserver-proxy pods that run on every node in a hypershift environment. In environments where the backend api servers are not fronted through an additional cloud load balancer: this leads to a percentage of request failures from the in cluster components occuring when a control plane endpoint goes down even if other endpoints are available. This tracks the fix for all hypershift environments (previous initial change just went to IBM Cloud only.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

            1. Setup a hypershift cluster in a baremetal/non cloud environment where there are redundant API servers behind a DNS that point directly to the node IPs.
          2. Power down one of the control plane nodes
          3. Schedule workload into cluster that depends on kube-proxy and/or multus to setup networking configuration
          4. You will see errors like the following 
      add): Multus: [openshiftai/moe-8b-cmisale-master-0/9c1fd369-94f5-481c-a0de-ba81a3ee3583]: error getting pod: Get "https://[p9d81ad32fcdb92dbb598-6b64a6ccc9c596bf59a86625d8fa2202-c000.us-east.satellite.appdomain.cloud]:30026/api/v1/namespaces/openshiftai/pods/moe-8b-cmisale-master-0?timeout=1m0s": dial tcp connect: timeout

      Actual results:

              When a control plane node fails intermittent timeouts occur when kube-proxy/multus resolve the dns and a failed control plane node ip is returned

      Expected results:

              No requests fail (which will occur if all traffic is routed through the node local load balancer instance

      Additional info:


              lisowskiibm Tyler Lisowski
              lisowskiibm Tyler Lisowski
              Jean Chen Jean Chen
              Patryk Diak
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
