Resolution: Done-Errata
Description of problem: ovnkube-node and multus DaemonSets have hostPath volumes which prevent clean unmount of CSI Volumes because of missing "mountPropagation: HostToContainer" parameter in volumeMount
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): OpenShift 4.14
How reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. on a node mount a file system underneath /var/lib/kubelet/ simulating the mount of a CSI driver PersistentVolume
2. restart the ovnkube-node pod running on that node
3. unmount the filesystem from 1. The mount will then be removed from the host list of mounted devices however a copy of the mount is still active in the mount namespace of the ovnkube-node pod.
This is blocking some CSI drivers relying on multipath to properly delete a block device, since mounts are still registered on the block device.
Actual results:
CSI Volume Mount cleanly unmounted.
Expected results:
CSI Volume Mount uncleanly unmounted.
Additional info:
The mountPropagation parameter is already implememted in the volumeMount for the host rootFS:
- name: host-slash
readOnly: true
mountPath: /host
mountPropagation: HostToContainer
However the same parameter is missing for the volumeMount of /var/lib/kubelet
It is possible to workaround the issue with a kubectl patch command like this:
$ kubectl patch daemonset ovnkube-node --type='json' -p='[
"op": "replace",
"path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/7/volumeMounts/1",
"value": {
"name": "host-kubelet",
"mountPath": "/var/lib/kubelet",
"mountPropagation": "HostToContainer",
"readOnly": true
Affected Platforms: Platform Agnostic UPI
- blocks
OCPBUGS-36594 ovnkube-node hostPath mount of /var/lib/kubelet is missing HostToContainer mountPropagation, breaks CSI driver
- Closed
- clones
OCPBUGS-14351 rprivate default mount propagation in combination with `hostPath: path: /` breaks CSI driver relying on multipath
- Closed
- is cloned by
OCPBUGS-36594 ovnkube-node hostPath mount of /var/lib/kubelet is missing HostToContainer mountPropagation, breaks CSI driver
- Closed
- links to
RHBA-2024:7922 OpenShift Container Platform 4.17.z bug fix update