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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-30346

Feature Annotations for CSV are missing in LVMS Summary causing CVP Failures


    • Critical
    • No
    • 2
    • OCPEDGE Sprint 250
    • 1
    • Proposed
    • False
    • Hide


    • Release Note Not Required
    • In Progress

      Please make sure that you describe your storage configuration in detail. List all devices that you plan to work with for LVMS as well as any relevant machine configuration data to make it easier for an engineer to help out.

      Description of problem:

      CNV Reports fail with setup like http://external-ci-coldstorage.datahub.redhat.com/cvp/cvp-redhat-operator-bundle-image-validation-test/lvms-operator-bundle-container-v4.15.1-5/1b4b4f11-b80b-4634-ad60-d609ac30b0f9/operator-infrastructure-feature-bundle-image-output.txt

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      all versions to be released affected

      Steps to Reproduce:

      Build current bundle

      Actual results:

      Annotations not included

      Expected results:

      Annotations included

      Additional info:

      Reason it does not get included is because its overwritten from make bundle command in downstream repo and never arrives in dist git for midstream to pickup

            rh-ee-jmoller Jakob Moeller
            rh-ee-jmoller Jakob Moeller
            Rahul Deore Rahul Deore
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
