Resolution: Done-Errata
4.14.0, 4.15.0, 4.16.0
CNF RAN Sprint 249, CNF RAN Sprint 250, CNF RAN Sprint 251, CNF Ran Sprint 252, CNF Ran Sprint 253
Description of problem:
When using ACM Gen templates, for ConfigurationPolicy kinds, the name of the object and the inner template names are the same. In comparison the PGT plugin, adds "-config" to the name of the inner template. This leads to overloaded keys in the clusterGroupUpgrade.Status.SafeResourceNames map. As a result, TALM uses a wrongly cached safe name which is longer than the maximum length of 62 for the policy name and namespace. When this happens policies are created in the ztp-install namespace but never deleted, leading to the hub cluster becoming unreacheable.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1- Deploy a ZTP spoke cluster using ACM templates 2- verify that the name of the root policy is the same as the inner template inside the policy: apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1 kind: Policy metadata: name: group-du-sno-v4.14-config-policy ------------------------ namespace: ztp-group | spec: | disabled: false | policy-templates: | - objectDefinition: = apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1 | kind: ConfigurationPolicy | metadata: | name: group-du-sno-v4.14-config-policy-------------------- spec:
Actual results:
TALM creates policies in the ztp-install namespace that until the cluster crashes due to lack of resources
Expected results:
TALM starts remediating policies
Additional info:
- blocks
OCPBUGS-30835 ConfigurationPolicy generated by ACM Policy Generator Plugin crashes hub cluster.
- Verified
- is cloned by
OCPBUGS-30835 ConfigurationPolicy generated by ACM Policy Generator Plugin crashes hub cluster.
- Verified
OCPBUGS-30570 ConfigurationPolicy generated by ACM Policy Generator Plugin crashes hub cluster.
- Closed
OCPBUGS-30571 ConfigurationPolicy generated by ACM Policy Generator Plugin crashes hub cluster.
- Closed
- links to
RHEA-2024:128248 OpenShift Container Platform 4.16.0 CNF vRAN extras update