Resolution: Done-Errata
Description of problem:
It was seen in downstream and upstream that ovn-controller was constantly restarting. This was due to ovnkube-node telling it to exit after it thought that the encap IP (the primary node IP) had changed. This has been mitigated by: https://github.com/ovn-org/ovn-kubernetes/pull/3711 But we still need to know why the c.nodePrimaryAddrChanged() function is returning true when nothing is really changing on the node. Example after the fix above: ovn-control-plane/ovn-kubernetes/ovnkube.log:I0627 22:37:02.020612 1670 node_ip_handler_linux.go:212] Node primary address changed to Updating OVN encap IP. ovn-control-plane/ovn-kubernetes/ovnkube.log:I0627 22:37:02.037852 1670 node_ip_handler_linux.go:343] Will not update encap IP, value: is the already configured ovn-control-plane/ovn-kubernetes/ovnkube.log:I0627 23:03:03.115881 16698 node_ip_handler_linux.go:212] Node primary address changed to Updating OVN encap IP. ovn-control-plane/ovn-kubernetes/ovnkube.log:I0627 23:03:03.122365 16698 node_ip_handler_linux.go:343] Will not update encap IP, value: is the already configured ovn-control-plane/ovn-kubernetes/ovnkube.log:I0627 23:18:08.381694 27220 node_ip_handler_linux.go:212] Node primary address changed to Updating OVN encap IP. ovn-control-plane/ovn-kubernetes/ovnkube.log:I0627 23:18:08.389655 27220 node_ip_handler_linux.go:343] Will not update encap IP, value: is the already configured ovn-control-plane/ovn-kubernetes/ovnkube.log:I0627 23:19:26.638221 28746 node_ip_handler_linux.go:212] Node primary address changed to Updating OVN encap IP. ovn-control-plane/ovn-kubernetes/ovnkube.log:I0627 23:19:26.644217 28746 node_ip_handler_linux.go:343] Will not update encap IP, value: is the already configured This can be observed in kind deployments as well.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Could affect versions earlier than 4.14
- clones
OCPBUGS-15538 Address manager primary node IP constantly being "updated"
- Closed
- depends on
OCPBUGS-15538 Address manager primary node IP constantly being "updated"
- Closed
- is cloned by
OCPBUGS-28630 [release-4.13] Address manager primary node IP constantly being "updated"
- Closed
- is depended on by
OCPBUGS-28630 [release-4.13] Address manager primary node IP constantly being "updated"
- Closed
- links to
RHBA-2024:0642 OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.z bug fix update
(1 links to)