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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-25600

AWS: The installer doesn’t precheck if node architecture and vm type are consistent


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      * Previously, if a VM type was selected that didn't match the architecture specified in the `install-config.yaml` file, the installation would fail. With this update, a validation check ensures that the architectures match before the installation begins. (link:https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-25600[*OCPBUGS-25600*])
      * Previously, if a VM type was selected that didn't match the architecture specified in the `install-config.yaml` file, the installation would fail. With this update, a validation check ensures that the architectures match before the installation begins. (link: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-25600 [* OCPBUGS-25600 *])
    • Bug Fix
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      Description of problem:

      The installer doesn’t do precheck if node architecture and vm type are consistent for aws and gcp, it works on azure    

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

          1.Config compute architecture field to arm64 but vm type choose amd64 instance type in install-config     
          2.Create cluster 
          3.Check installation     

      Actual results:

      Azure will precheck if architecture is consistent with instance type when creating manifests, like:
      12-07 11:18:24.452 [INFO] Generating manifests files.....12-07 11:18:24.452 level=info msg=Credentials loaded from file "/home/jenkins/ws/workspace/ocp-common/Flexy-install/flexy/workdir/azurecreds20231207-285-jd7gpj"
      12-07 11:18:56.474 level=error msg=failed to fetch Master Machines: failed to load asset "Install Config": failed to create install config: controlPlane.platform.azure.type: Invalid value: "Standard_D4ps_v5": instance type architecture 'Arm64' does not match install config architecture amd64
      But aws and gcp don’t have precheck, it will fail during installation, but many resources have been created. The case more likely to happen in multiarch cluster    

      Expected results:

      The installer can do a precheck for architecture and vm type , especially for heterogeneous supported platforms(aws,gcp,azure)    

      Additional info:


            rdossant Rafael Fonseca dos Santos
            lwan-wanglin Lin Wang
            Lin Wang Lin Wang
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
