Resolution: Unresolved
OTA 267, OTA 268
Description of problem:
Upgrade of the ota-stage cluster from 4.14.1 to 4.15.0-ec.2 got stuck because of the operator-lifecycle-manager-packageserver ClusterOperator which never reaches the desired version (likely because its Pods are CrashLooping, which is a separate issue discussed now on Slack and OCPBUGS-23538 was filed for it)
However, I would expect CVO to enter its waiting for operator-lifecycle-manager-packageserver up to 40 minutes state, eventually hit that deadline and signal the upgrade as stuck via a Failing=True condition, but that did not happen and CVO does not signal anything problematic in this stuck state.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
upgrade from 4.14.1 to 4.15.0-ec.2
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. upgrade from 4.14.1 to 4.15.0-ec.2 and hope you get stuck the way ota-stage did
Actual results:
$ OC_ENABLE_CMD_UPGRADE_STATUS=true ./oc adm upgrade status An update is in progress for 2h8m20s: Working towards 4.15.0-ec.2: 695 of 863 done (80% complete), waiting on operator-lifecycle-manager-packageserver
Expected results:
$ oc adm upgrade status Failing=True Reason: operator-lifecycle-manager-packageserver is stuck (or whatever is the message) An update is in progress for 2h8m20s: Working towards 4.15.0-ec.2: 695 of 863 done (80% complete), waiting on operator-lifecycle-manager-packageserver
Additional info
Attached CVO log and the waited-on CO yaml dump
- is related to
OCPBUGS-23538 Upgrade got stuck for OLM catalog/olm operator pods keep CrashLoopBackOff
- Closed
- links to