Description of problem:
Some of the tests ran in OLM's e2e suite are ran in CVO managed namespaces and rely on CVO managed resources, creating a possible race condition where CVO will remove changes to the resources' spec
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
4.15.0, 4.14.0, possibly more
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Run OLM's e2e suite
Actual results:
This test will occasionally fail: End-to-end: [It] Operator Group CSV copy watching all namespaces
Expected results:
The test should not fail because of the CVO.
Additional info:
- is cloned by
OCPBUGS-23508 [release-4.14] OLM's e2e suite uses CVO managed namespaces
- Closed
- is depended on by
OCPBUGS-23508 [release-4.14] OLM's e2e suite uses CVO managed namespaces
- Closed