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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-23327

file path used for oci images can result in an error


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    • CLID Sprint 246
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      Previously, when using oc-mirror plugin to mirror local OCI operator catalogs located in hidden folders, oc-mirror previously failed with an error: ".hidden_folder/data/publish/latest/catalog-oci/manifest-list/kubebuilder/kube-rbac-proxy@sha256:db06cc4c084dd0253134f156dddaaf53ef1c3fb3cc809e5d81711baa4029ea4c is not a valid image reference: invalid reference format “. With this update, oc-mirror now calculates references to images within local OCI catalogs differently, ensuring that the paths to hidden catalogs no longer disrupt the mirroring process.
      Previously, when using oc-mirror plugin to mirror local OCI operator catalogs located in hidden folders, oc-mirror previously failed with an error: ".hidden_folder/data/publish/latest/catalog-oci/manifest-list/kubebuilder/kube-rbac-proxy@sha256:db06cc4c084dd0253134f156dddaaf53ef1c3fb3cc809e5d81711baa4029ea4c is not a valid image reference: invalid reference format “. With this update, oc-mirror now calculates references to images within local OCI catalogs differently, ensuring that the paths to hidden catalogs no longer disrupt the mirroring process. (link: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-23327 [* OCPBUGS-23327 *])
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      Description of problem:

      When executing oc mirror using an oci path, you can end up with in an error state when the destination is a file://<path> destination (i.e. mirror to disk).

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

      At IBM we use the ibm-pak tool to generate a OCI catalog, but this bug is reproducible using a simple skopeo copy. Once you've copied the image locally you can move it around using file system copy commands to test this in different ways.
      1. Make a directory structure like this to simulate how ibm-pak creates its own catalogs. The problem seems to be related to the path you use, so this represents the failure case:
      mkdir -p /root/.ibm-pak/data/publish/latest/catalog-oci/manifest-list
      2. make a location where the local storage will live:
      mkdir -p /root/.ibm-pak/oc-mirror-storage
      3. Next, copy the image locally using skopeo:
      skopeo copy docker://icr.io/cpopen/ibm-zcon-zosconnect-catalog@sha256:8d28189637b53feb648baa6d7e3dd71935656a41fd8673292163dd750ef91eec oci:///root/.ibm-pak/data/publish/latest/catalog-oci/manifest-list --all --format v2s2
      4. You can copy the OCI catalog content to a location where things will work properly so you can see a working example:
      cp -r /root/.ibm-pak/data/publish/latest/catalog-oci/manifest-list /root/ibm-zcon-zosconnect-catalog
      5. You'll need an ISC... I've included both the oci references in the example (the commented out one works, but the oci:///root/.ibm-pak/data/publish/latest/catalog-oci/manifest-list reference fails).
      kind: ImageSetConfiguration
      apiVersion: mirror.openshift.io/v1alpha2
        - catalog: oci:///root/.ibm-pak/data/publish/latest/catalog-oci/manifest-list
        #- catalog: oci:///root/ibm-zcon-zosconnect-catalog
          - name: ibm-zcon-zosconnect
            - name: v1.0
          full: true
          targetTag: 27ba8e
          targetCatalog: ibm-catalog
          path: /root/.ibm-pak/oc-mirror-storage
      6. run oc mirror (remember the ISC has oci refs for good and bad scenarios). You may want to change your working directory to different locations between running the good/bad examples.
      oc mirror --config /root/.ibm-pak/data/publish/latest/image-set-config.yaml "file://zcon --dest-skip-tls --max-per-registry=6

      Actual results:

      Logging to .oc-mirror.log
      Found: zcon/oc-mirror-workspace/src/publish
      Found: zcon/oc-mirror-workspace/src/v2
      Found: zcon/oc-mirror-workspace/src/charts
      Found: zcon/oc-mirror-workspace/src/release-signatures
      error: ".ibm-pak/data/publish/latest/catalog-oci/manifest-list/kubebuilder/kube-rbac-proxy@sha256:db06cc4c084dd0253134f156dddaaf53ef1c3fb3cc809e5d81711baa4029ea4c" is not a valid image reference: invalid reference format

      Expected results:

      Simple example where things were working with the oci:///root/ibm-zcon-zosconnect-catalog reference (this was executed in the same workspace so no new images were detected).
      Logging to .oc-mirror.log
      Found: zcon/oc-mirror-workspace/src/publish
      Found: zcon/oc-mirror-workspace/src/v2
      Found: zcon/oc-mirror-workspace/src/charts
      Found: zcon/oc-mirror-workspace/src/release-signatures
      3 related images processed in 668.063974ms
      Writing image mapping to zcon/oc-mirror-workspace/operators.1700092336/manifests-ibm-zcon-zosconnect-catalog/mapping.txt
      No new images detected, process stopping

      Additional info:

      I debugged the error that happened and captured one of the instances where the ParseReference call fails. This is only for reference to help narrow down the issue.
      github.com/openshift/oc/pkg/cli/image/imagesource.ParseReference (/root/go/src/openshift/oc-mirror/vendor/github.com/openshift/oc/pkg/cli/image/imagesource/reference.go:111)
      github.com/openshift/oc-mirror/pkg/image.ParseReference (/root/go/src/openshift/oc-mirror/pkg/image/image.go:79)
      github.com/openshift/oc-mirror/pkg/cli/mirror.(*MirrorOptions).addRelatedImageToMapping (/root/go/src/openshift/oc-mirror/pkg/cli/mirror/fbc_operators.go:194)
      github.com/openshift/oc-mirror/pkg/cli/mirror.(*OperatorOptions).plan.func3 (/root/go/src/openshift/oc-mirror/pkg/cli/mirror/operator.go:575)
      golang.org/x/sync/errgroup.(*Group).Go.func1 (/root/go/src/openshift/oc-mirror/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/errgroup/errgroup.go:75)
      runtime.goexit (/usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1594)
      Also, I wanted to point out that because we use a period in the path (i.e. .ibm-pak) I wonder if that's causing the issue? This is just a guess and something to consider. *FOLLOWUP* ... I just removed the period from ".ibm-pak" and that seemed to make the error go away.

              skhoury@redhat.com Sherine Khoury
              jhunkins@redhat.com John Hunkins (Inactive)
              Ying Zhou Ying Zhou
              Subhashini T K Subhashini T K
              1 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue
