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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-23321

target.workload.openshift.io/management annotation on CNO causes delays for IBM ROKS Toolkit


    • Important
    • No
    • SDN Sprint 246, SDN Sprint 247, SDN Sprint 248
    • 3
    • Rejected
    • False
    • Hide



      This is a clone of issue OCPBUGS-18135. The following is the description of the original issue:

      Description of problem:

      The target.workload.openshift.io/management annotation causes CNO operator pods to wait for nodes to appear. Eventually they give up waiting and they get scheduled. This annotation should not be set for the hosted control plane topology, given that we should not wait for nodes to exist for the CNO to be scheduled.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      4.14, 4.13

      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Create IBM ROKS cluster
      2. Wait for cluster to come up

      Actual results:

      Cluster takes a long time to come up because CNO pods take ~15 min to schedule.

      Expected results:

      Cluster comes up quickly

      Additional info:

      Note: Verification for the fix has already happened on the IBM Cloud side. All OCP QE needs to do is to make sure that the fix doesn't cause any regression to the regular OCP use case.

            pdiak@redhat.com Patryk Diak
            openshift-crt-jira-prow OpenShift Prow Bot
            Cesar Wong Cesar Wong
            0 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
