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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-23105

[4.15] No suitable virtual media device found for Cisco UCS Blade


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      * Previously, there was a bug when attempting to deploy {product-title} on a new bare metal host using RedFish Virtual Media with Cisco UCS hardware. This bug blocked bare metal hosts from new provisions, because Ironic was unable to find a suitable virtual media device. With this update, Ironic does more checks in all available virtual media devices. As a result, Cisco UCS hardware can now be provisioned when using RedFish Virtual Media. (link:https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-23105[*OCPBUGS-23105*])
      * Previously, there was a bug when attempting to deploy {product-title} on a new bare metal host using RedFish Virtual Media with Cisco UCS hardware. This bug blocked bare metal hosts from new provisions, because Ironic was unable to find a suitable virtual media device. With this update, Ironic does more checks in all available virtual media devices. As a result, Cisco UCS hardware can now be provisioned when using RedFish Virtual Media. (link: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-23105 [* OCPBUGS-23105 *])
    • Bug Fix
    • In Progress
    • Customer Escalated

      Description of problem:

      Not able to provision a new baremetalhost because ironic is not able to find a suitable virtual media device.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      How reproducible:

      100% if you have a UCS Blade

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. add the baremetalhost 
      2. wait for the error

      Actual results:

      No suitable virtual media device found.

      Expected results:

      That the provisioning would succeeed

      Additional info:

      I tried to insert an ISO using curl and I can do it on the virtualmedia[3] device, which is a virtual DVD.
      When I'm looking at the metal3-ironic logs I can see the follow entry:
      Received representation of VirtualMedia /redfish/v1/Managers/CIMC/VirtualMedia/3: {'_actions': {'eject_media': {'operation_apply_time_support': None, 'target_uri': '/redfish/v1/Managers/CIMC/VirtualMedia/3/Actions/VirtualMedia.EjectMedia'}, 'insert_media': {'operation_apply_time_support': None, 'target_uri': '/redfish/v1/Managers/CIMC/VirtualMedia/3/Actions/VirtualMedia.InsertMedia'}}, '_certificates_path': None, '_oem_vendors': ['Cisco'], 'connected_via': <ConnectedVia.URI: 'URI'>, 'identity': '3', 'image': None, 'image_name': None, 'inserted': False, 'links': None, 'media_types': [<VirtualMediaType.DVD: 'DVD'>], 'name': 'CIMC-Mapped vDVD', 'status': {'health': <Health.OK: 'OK'>, 'health_rollup': None, 'state': <State.DISABLED: 'Disabled'>}, 'transfer_method': None, 'user_name': None, 'verify_certificate': None, 'write_protected': False}
      I'm sure this is the correct device, and verified that I can insert vmedia using curl.
      Someone metal3/ironic is not selecting this device.
      I'm suspecting that the reason is that "DVD" is not a valid media_type.
      When I look at [the ironic code](https://github.com/openstack/ironic/blob/b4f8209b99af32d8d2a646591af9b62436aad3d8/ironic/drivers/modules/redfish/boot.py#LL188C31-L188C31) I can see that there is a check for the media_type.
      I'm not able to see which values are accepted by metal3.
      I was able to validate the media_types for a rackmount server which works and there I see the following values: "CD, DVD".
      This led me to believe that DVD is not an accepted value.
      Can you please confirm that this is the case and if so, can we add the DVD as a suitable device?


              imelofer Iury Gregory Melo Ferreira
              boris.aelen Boris Aelen
              Jad Haj Yahya Jad Haj Yahya
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