Resolution: Done-Errata
CFE Sprint 244, CFE Sprint 245, CFE Sprint 246
Description of problem:
CVP test for operator bundle includes a test where IIB publishes operator bundle to an ephemeral operator catalog index for each OCP version specified in container image "com.redhat.openshift.versions" label. For cert-manager-operator.v1.13.0 this label value is "v4.13-v4.15" Currently, the ephemeral catalog index creation via IIB succeeds for OCP v4.13, v4.14 indices but fails for OCP v4.15.
CVP test report link: http://external-ci-coldstorage.datahub.redhat.com/cvp/cvp-redhat-operator-bundle-image-validation-test/cert-manager-operator-bundle-container-v1.13.0-2/96f028bb-f3d0-4548-be2e-ed9bc3baebd4/cvp-test-report.html [vpn reqd]
Index Image Location Index image v4.13: registry-proxy.engineering.redhat.com/rh-osbs/iib:614212 Index image v4.14: registry-proxy.engineering.redhat.com/rh-osbs/iib:614230 Index image v4.15: FAILED
Index image creation failure for OCP v4.15 is because the cert-manager-operator.v1.13.0 CSV replaces cert-manager-operator.v1.12.1 currently and OCP v4.15 staging catalog index doesn't contain the 1.12.x versions of the operator as v1.12.x nor will it include because cert-manager-operator.v1.12.x are targetted by OCP 4.12-4.14 only.
Discussion thread (CVP gChat space): https://chat.google.com/room/AAAAZrx3KlI/zT-hekeCjDE/{}
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
By trigerring CVP pipeline on cert-manager-operator-bundle-container-v1.13.0-2 (or) Send an API call to IIB with from_image: rh-osbs/iib-pub-pending:v4.15, trying to add 1.13 bundle and request would fail.
Steps to Reproduce:
#!/bin/bash # ensure to have kerberos enabled via kinit first # and local connected to RH VPN curl --negotiate -u : -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{ "add_arches": [ "amd64", "arm64", "s390x", "ppc64le" ], "binary_image": "registry.redhat.io/openshift4/ose-operator-registry:latest", "bundles": [ "registry-proxy.engineering.redhat.com/rh-osbs/cert-manager-cert-manager-operator-bundle:v1.13.0-2" ], "from_index": "registry-proxy.engineering.redhat.com/rh-osbs/iib-pub-pending:v4.15" }' https://iib.engineering.redhat.com/api/v1/builds/add | jq
# output would contain link of iib job logs, opening logs show similar: time="2023-11-02T08:01:12-04:00" level=error msg="permissive mode disabled" bundles="[registry-proxy.engineering.redhat.com/rh-osbs/cert-manager-cert-manager-operator-bundle@sha256:fd9e8cc4fe1f0c1cb9ed92fcee2336975e2a55a6fc4e65046915c880daebdac6]" error="Invalid bundle cert-manager-operator.v1.13.0, replaces nonexistent bundle cert-manager-operator.v1.12.1" Error: Invalid bundle cert-manager-operator.v1.13.0, replaces nonexistent bundle cert-manager-operator.v1.12.1
Actual results:
cert-manager-operator.v1.12.1 was actually only added for v4.12, v4.13 and v4.14 index cert-manager-operator.v1.13.1 addition to v4.15 index fails as 4.15 index doesn't contain older 1.12.1 for replaces to work.
Expected results:
cert-manager-operator.v1.13.1 should be able to be added to v4.15 index without any 1.12 replaces.
Additional info:
- depends on
CM-251 Create pipeline configs and build 2 bundles for cert-manager 1.13.0
- Closed
- links to
RHEA-2023:125703 [OpenShift v4.15] cert-manager Operator for Red Hat OpenShift 1.13.0
- mentioned on