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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-22209

[release-4.13] Machine API pull-secret is not updated if the global pull-secret changes as a Day-2 operation.


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    • Metal Platform 244, Metal Platform 245
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    • 8/22: PR under review; green; KNIECO-8033

      This is a clone of issue OCPBUGS-16919. The following is the description of the original issue:

      Description of problem:

      The pull-secret in the openshift-machine-api namespace is getting copied from the global pull-secret (openshift-config/pull-secret) during installation of the cluster. Although if the global pull-secret change as it is described in our documentation [0] the pull-secret will not get updated. This has as a consiquence a BMH to stuck in provisioning state as the first-boot ignition that gets from the BareMetal Operator contains the old pull-secret and the ironic-agent service is not able to pull the image and start.
      More specifically:
      The function applySecret [1] logic is that it wont update the secret but only copy it if it does not exist when the provided callback function `shouldUpdateData shouldUpdateDataFn` returns false.
      The applySecret function will be called from createRegistryPullSecret [2] and it will get as input the parameter "doNotUpdateData" which always returns false
      return applySecret(info.Client.CoreV1(), info.EventRecorder, secret, doNotUpdateData)
      Here it is called in the return of createRegistryPullSecret function.
      And the doNotUpdateData is set to false
      func doNotUpdateData(existing *corev1.Secret) (bool, error) {
          return false, nil
      So the applySecret will never update the secret. It will only replace it if it does not exist.
      func applySecret(client coreclientv1.SecretsGetter, recorder events.Recorder, requiredInput *corev1.Secret, shouldUpdateData shouldUpdateDataFn) error {
          needsApply := false                                                   <---- Here sets the needApply to false
          existing, err := client.Secrets(requiredInput.Namespace).Get(context.TODO(), requiredInput.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
          if apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
              err = nil
              needsApply = true
          } else if err != nil {
              return err
          } else {
              // Allow the caller to decide whether update.
              needsApply, err = shouldUpdateData(existing)  <---- Here this paremeter (shouldUpdateData) is referring to the doNotUpdateData that is false
              if err != nil {
                  return err
          }    if needsApply {
              _, _, err = resourceapply.ApplySecret(context.TODO(), client, recorder, requiredInput) <--- so this will not run.
          }    return err
      So i wonder if this is meant to be like this for some reason.
      I think we need either to update the documentation to instruct the user to delete the pull-secret in the openshift-machine-api when changing the global pull-secret OR to enable the applySecret to be able to also apply and not only to create the pull-secret if the global pull-secret is changed.
      From my perspective i think the second option is better.
      Let me know if im missing something in the above explanation.
      [0] https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.12/openshift_images/managing_images/using-image-pull-secrets.html#images-update-global-pull-secret_using-image-pull-secrets
      [1] https://github.com/openshift/cluster-baremetal-operator/blob/f15e1c53cd5740d1ef7f82c8364e5d8e97c9064a/provisioning/baremetal_secrets.go#L48
      [2] https://github.com/openshift/cluster-baremetal-operator/blob/f15e1c53cd5740d1ef7f82c8364e5d8e97c9064a/provisioning/baremetal_secrets.go#L120C10-L120C10

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      Steps to Reproduce:

      1) On a Bare Metal IPI cluster update the global pull-secret using the documentation page [0].
      2) Check the secret pull-secret inside the openshift-machine-api namespace and it would be the old one.
      3) Delete the secret pull-secret insid the openshift-machine-api namespace 
      4) Notice that it will be recreated with the updated pull-secret. 

      Actual results:

      The machine-api secret pull-secret is not updated after global pull-secret change

      Expected results:

      The machine-api secret pull-secret is updated after global pull-secret change

      Additional info:


            rpittau@redhat.com Riccardo Pittau
            openshift-crt-jira-prow OpenShift Prow Bot
            Jad Haj Yahya Jad Haj Yahya
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