Resolution: Done
Description of problem:
a customer who has an ansible based operator using base image quay.io/operator-framework/ansible-operator. After moving to tag v1.20.0, it breaks the task to update k8s_status in an FIPS enabled cluster and the operator is unable to handle any CR, and the customer won't be able to install. The error also occurs on tag 1.19 so we are now forced to move back to v1.18.1.A similar issue has been reported at https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-sdk/issues/5723
The ask is to have this fixed so that they can keep the base image up to date with all the security fixessince FIPS support is critical in their business offering. This should be fixed ASAP.
Additional info:
Slack thread - https://coreos.slack.com/archives/C3VS0LV41/p1660710956115889